wireing help 1975 imp Vztec

Discussion in 'Electrical Systems' started by wantofish, May 10, 2013.

  1. wantofish
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    wantofish New Member

    Hi I just bought a 1975 imp vztec 20 ft. 225 hp inboard boat that the last owners left in a rewire nightmare is there any info out there to help me wire the dashboard correctly. the ignition switch is also wrong you have to hold the key in the on position for the boat to start.

    wiring nightmare
  2. Ike
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  3. wantofish
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    wantofish New Member

    Wiring help

    Thanks for all the info. I will be posting photos before and after
  4. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    Most of these sort of things (dash and ignition switch) wiring are pretty basic, for an electrician or reasonably experienced handy guy, particularly the gauges. There are a few books on basic 12 VDC wiring, though if you're like many and just scratch your head with this sort of thing, you'd be best advised to call an electrician. It's nothing to be ashamed of, most are baffled by electrical stuff. It's not really that tough, but it does take some understanding to get your head around it at first.

  5. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    PAR is right. If you want to start from scratch and do it yourself, it isn't all that mysterious. It just requires learning basic DC circuits which are simple. Start here. 14 steps to wiring your boat. http://newboatbuilders.com/pages/electricity13.html

    PS: I realize that this page applies to outboards, but the principles are the same. You can sort out the wiring for the engine fairly easy because most of the manuals for the engines are available on line.
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