University of Tasmania and University of new south wales

Discussion in 'Education' started by teddy_pete, May 14, 2012.

  1. teddy_pete
    Joined: May 2012
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    teddy_pete Junior Member

    I have two choices but I can't decide it yet, which one make widely opportunity in apply a job?
  2. MikeJohns
    Joined: Aug 2004
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

    University of Tasmania. There's much better facilities.
  3. teddy_pete
    Joined: May 2012
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    teddy_pete Junior Member

    Thank you so much. It s useful information for me to consider because I'm going to participate in this semester.
  4. RThompson
    Joined: Nov 2004
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    RThompson Senior Member

  5. teddy_pete
    Joined: May 2012
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    teddy_pete Junior Member

    I've already decided to participate in AMC.

    Thank you MikeJohns and RThompson
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