Rybo Runner Yacht has patented 3 innovative patents.

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Gasdok, Aug 9, 2022.

  1. Gasdok
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    Gasdok Junior Member

    Cape Canaveral Florida USA.
    Rybo Runner Yacht announced filing of 3 patents that promise to revolutionize the boat building industry.

    1. A Modular Mold that can be repeated and joined together for any length saving a fortune in tooling cost.
    2. A corrugated core glassed in multiple axes that allows for a reduction in required skin thickness and cost of same by 80 percent.
    3. A multiaxis stepped running surface that reduces hydrodynamic drag by 80 percent.

    Contact Dr. John Sanders ryborunneryacht@gmail.com

    These will be at ibex in Tampa FL in Sept.
  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    #3, The 80% drag reduction is a ridiculous statement, and one that can only be made within a very specific set of circumstances, and some basis for comparison.
    If true, the new design will run the same speed with 200 hp, where a comparable craft requires 1000hp?
    DogCavalry and ExileMoon like this.
  3. wet feet
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    wet feet Senior Member

    I can think of a number of hulls locally that have come out of modular moulds over the years.If the central section is parallel,adding a few feet is hardly climbing a technical mountain.I do wonder what a corrugated core will be like when it comes to bilge drainage and keeping limber holes clear.I do wish the OP had included a few pics as the manner in which "axis" or "axes" are deployed leaves me a bit baffled.Was the post lifted from a PR release created by an advertising business with only a vague grasp of boatbuilding?
  4. Kayakmarathon
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    Kayakmarathon Senior Member

    While the skin thickness can be reduced because the corrugated core stiffens the hull, care must be taken to ensure the thinner skin will still be able to resist punctures as before.
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  5. DCockey
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  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    @Gasdok I think that most folk here are all agog re your new inventions, and would like to see more details / photos supplied - can you let us have some more info, or is it all top secret until it is announced officially at IBEX next month?
    DogCavalry likes this.
  7. Milehog
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  8. Milehog
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  10. wet feet
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    wet feet Senior Member

    Given the various explanations of 3 axis steps that have appeared,I have to wonder what exactly is so special about this particular form-whatever it is.I can remember a Norwegian brand of fishing dinghy that had elaborately shaped steps in the early 1970's,I have a notion that the company that developed it was called Witt and have searched in vain for images of their hull shapes.There are quite a number of online refences to 3 axis steps: https://www.anglersjournal.com/.image/t_share/MTYxNjk2NzE2NDI3MzcyMTU3/dji_0056.jpg http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/pages/US5191853-3.png
    http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/US20110056425A1/US20110056425A1-20110310-D00000.png US10189544B2 - Stepped cambered planing hull - Google Patents https://patents.google.com/patent/US10189544B2/en

    In addition to the modular moulds I mentioned in an earlier post.I have been reminded of a sportboat hull that had a flange just below the sheer and which allowed the top portion to be a plain flange for a deck or an extended topside ,above a knuckle,which then connected to a cruising superstructure with a pilot house and more headroom below.

    I wonder why we aren't getting more details of these new developments?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
  11. wet feet
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    wet feet Senior Member

    I've been racking my brain for hours trying to think of the name of the boat that had the innovative stepped bottom and a little while ago-it came to me;it was the Dromedile.A brief description was located online

    The name Bonwitco refers to Bror With (1900-1985), a Norwegian inventor and resistance fighter in World War II. His most important invention was the Dromedile , a dinghy with which you could row and sail because it had the advantages of a planing and displacement hull. The name Dromodile refers to the degree of difficulty of the invention: just as complicated as the cross between a dromedary and a crocodile. In 1964 Bror With received the Norwegian design prize for the With 400 .Bror With designed a new type of hull, the Dromedile. A unique invention that brought about a reduction in drag that allowed boats to plane at a slower speed. In short: less power was required to achieve the same speed! This lowered both engine costs and general operating costs.Thanks to the Dromedile hull, the Bonwitco models have wide bottoms and a fine mirror, making it stable and seaworthy. In addition, they cause less waves than comparable ships and are easier to plane. Research has shown that the average performance improvement is about 20%. So you can choose to use a lighter engine, load the boat more heavily or increase the speed.
  12. fpjeepy05
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    fpjeepy05 Senior Member

    What am I supposed to see here?
    Will you be showcasing all three flavors of snake oil at IBEX?
    Tribute is currently producing a boat that has longitudinal and athwartship steps. Basically a stepped seacraft bottom. Cool, but nothing crazy. I think it will do well. MPYD has a patent on there inverted longitudinal step near the transom on their stepped hulls. Does a good job of preventing slide out on stepped hulls. Also cool, also nothing crazy.

  13. Milehog
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    Milehog Clever Quip

    Ask the OP, he knows.
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