New nesting software available now---apply free license

Discussion in 'Software' started by GaoTeng, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. GaoTeng
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    GaoTeng Junior Member


    I am back again. One year ago, we invite some people to join the beta user of Nesting Program we developed. We received a lot of application and feedback also.

    Now, there is a new version of the program. New nesting algorithm is included in it. The program would try multiple nesting strategies to choose the best result automatically. You can see progress bar and you can stop it at anytime. So it is better.

    Here is the download of the nesting program.

    Here is the link to apply a free license.

    We would deliver license to anyone who applied license. This activity would end in end of this month.

    So, welcome to apply nesting program license and please feel free to forward this message to anyone who may interest in it.

  2. GaoTeng
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    GaoTeng Junior Member

    We are back again with new version of nesting software , after a full year of development, we implemented new nesting algorithm, select best nesting result automatically.

    If there are many parts in the task, you can set the nesting time in config-->advanced setting. and you can stop the nesting process when you get the the satisfied layout. and export the result as DXF file.

    Welcome to apply license, it is free!!! And hope to hear feedback from you also.

    Download the software from this link:

    Send your apply and question to please.
  3. John Perry
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    John Perry Senior Member

    Hi, I have just done a quick test with your software, inputing a few dxf files that I had previously produced for plywood parts for a small home boat building project. Below is an example of the output from this test - a few of the parts nested on a standard size sheet of plywood. For this test I set the alignment of all parts to 'free rotation' which resulted in the parts being at various oritentations on the sheet. I also tried specifying a rotation and this did allow me to control the orientation of the parts after nesting, this often being important for plywood parts if best use is to be made of the anisotropic mechanical properties of the material.

    I had previously nested all the parts for this project using a commercial nesting software and I have now had them cut out by waterjet cutting which produced excellent results. Another time I expect I would use your software since it would appear to produce results every bit as good as those from the commercial software that I used previously - so many thanks indeed.

    One very minor point - I noticed that your software rejected one of my parts because there was a very small gap at one point in the outline of the part. The commercial software accepted this part so I assume that it automatically filled in the gap but did not tell me that it had done so. I wonder if it would be relatively simple matter to make your software fill in any small gaps in the outline of a part, presumably by inserting a straight line to bridge the gap and maybe also putting up a warning to let the user know that this has been necessary.

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  4. Oleboynow

    Oleboynow Previous Member

    hello you two
    Thanks John and The Nesting developer
    I am a ancienne yachtbuilder, but quite the amateur with CAD, however I have got so far in rhino and can develope the plates and contour the yacht in rhino, so what next, do I save the parts as 2d dxf and so on and then what happens, what format do I give to the metal supplier to do the cutting
    Normally my yachts are formed frames, because they are of round bilge, but is this case I want the frames cut in one part along with deck beam, as welding each joint weakens the alloy, especially after the mouse holes are cut to allow the seam welds to be continuous
    HELP please

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  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    As can be seen in nesting in the post # 3, there are several pieces that have common lines in their perimeters. This can be a very big problem. Is it possible to leave a gap of, for example 25 mm, between the contours of contiguous parts?
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  6. John Perry
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    John Perry Senior Member

    Yes, you can specify a minimum distance between parts and also a margin between parts and the edge of the uncut sheet, but for the quick tryout shown above I left these parameters at the default values which are both zero.
  7. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, I agree with you, this is only a test, but apply a gap of say 1" between the parts, can greatly complicate automatic nesting and raising the percentage of waste.
  8. Oleboynow

    Oleboynow Previous Member

    would seem to me, that one only needs the thickness of a laser, waterjet or plasma
  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    It is possible that more space is left to prevent a part is deformed due to the heat by cutting the next part, I do not know. Typically leave a gap of one inch, but in any case should at least be twice the thickness of the cut.
  10. Oleboynow

    Oleboynow Previous Member

    often it is cold cut, there is no deformation, esp with alu
    same as when you cut a long plate with a saw, , say I was cutting a long topside pl for a chine boat, out of one pl, the cut piece would sit withing the cut when all 4 sides when done
    I know this from 40 yrs hands on
  11. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I tell you I do not know exactly why but I've always seen that was left between the pieces is a gap of 1 inch, even when cutting underwater. For many years I have prepared nestings and information CNC cutting for more than 5 large shipyards always this gap left between parts (even when working with clichés 1/10 scale). In rare case it is allowed to reduce up to 20 mm but not less than that distance.
    It would be very convenient for you, not to have angry customers, determine that minimum value
  12. GaoTeng
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    GaoTeng Junior Member

    In Config-->Advanced setting, there is a connect tolerance value, try to set a biger value please.
  13. GaoTeng
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    GaoTeng Junior Member

    Hi, contact us to require a free license, the part gap is limited if there is no license file.
  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Thanks, GaoTeng, but I already have my own software for nesting and cutting CNC parts.
    It does not seem right, it is my opinion, offer a program with serious defects that can be solved only by purchasing a license. It would be normal that the program does not do certain things, if a license is not buying, but that makes them wrongly, it is not acceptable.

  15. GaoTeng
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    GaoTeng Junior Member

    Hi, TANSL

    What issue you encount? Did you apply a license from us? We didn't get your problem feedback before.

    As I explained, the space is fixed in trial mode, we would provide full function license on free if someone interested in it, what he do is just send us a email.
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