Foils on a 8m monohull crusier/racer?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Heinrich Poigner, Jul 18, 2018.


Should I try?

  1. go ahead

    1 vote(s)
  2. maby

    0 vote(s)
  3. not worth it

    0 vote(s)
  4. no

    2 vote(s)
  5. just build a multi!

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  6. I don't like you

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  1. Heinrich Poigner
    Joined: Jul 2018
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    Heinrich Poigner (He likes boats(and maths))

    I don't mean adding some to an existing one!
    I want to know if I was reasonable wanting to design somthing in the likes of that or if I was just hocked by the hypetrain?
    Would foils be of any significance on 1200kgish boat of only 2,55 beam?
    Would they produce enouth righting moment that the balast could be made lighter?
    Please tell me if I'm just plain crasy and that I shouldn't shoot for the moon

    some engenering student
  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  3. Heinrich Poigner
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    Heinrich Poigner (He likes boats(and maths))

    so you recon it may be possible to design a cruiser of that size? (given it doesn't get filld up like most of them do (do you think there are people who nead less than 20kg of stuff on a boat?))
    new questions:
    is the claim that foils that lift the hull only 30-40% still give a significant speed advantage (or speed potential) true (some claim 10% increas)
    or should a nonflying foiler be treated like a hull with massive initial stability? => more sail carrying abillity?(wouldn't that also result in to much sail area before comming up to speed?)
    are there considerations for the hull that are significantly different other than that more heal should result in a higherish agle of attak at the foils? (wavepiercers, T would be obviously different) is it actually "better" than a simmilar cat or tri or does a mono with foils just look spacy?
  4. Heinrich Poigner
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    Heinrich Poigner (He likes boats(and maths))

  5. Heinrich Poigner
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    Heinrich Poigner (He likes boats(and maths))

    crasy idea just popped up:
    Trifoiler without amas !?
    (monohull with crossbeam to mount foils onto instead of having them retract into the hull)
    am I compleatly bonkers now?
    (In reality it would probably be horrible because of the monohull body I gues)
  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Manfred.pech likes this.

  7. Heinrich Poigner
    Joined: Jul 2018
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    Heinrich Poigner (He likes boats(and maths))

    ... ok so it's probbably not going to work ...
    should have been more speciffic
    I fhought more about sich a beam straped onto a "normal" monohul to get a wider base to mount the foils for more righting moment ?????
    like geting the foil ~ 2m outbourd so that it could be angled inboard for that efficiancy?
    like the early foiling moths had it on their tubing, just a "DSS" instead of full flying???
    (I think I am lost to marginal-adwantage-feature-creepitis, next on: lets build a autonomus foiling/sailing control system for when racing allone and needing to rest)
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