Gonet Monofoiler

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Doug Lord, May 26, 2018.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Monofoiler-Gonet-4.jpg Very interesting: Pressure Drop - Monofoil Gonet Test Flights Successful! http://www.pressure-drop.us/forums/content.php?8349-Monofoil-Gonet-Test-Flights-Successful! (see note at bottom of page regarding the name "Monofoil" )

    The Gonet Monofoiler: the latest in Swiss innovation
    Geneva, 17 May 2018
    Designed by Swiss sailor, Eric Monnin, the spectacular foiling monohull will line up for Switzerland’s
    spring classics. The pioneering new boat is a hint of what the next America’s Cup will bring…

    Note-the foils are mostly retractable "V" foils-first I've seen.......

    Technical specifications

      • LOA: 8 m
      • Beam: 2.5 m
      • Displacement (empty): 850 kg
      • Mast height: 12.2 m
      • Mainsail area: 32 m"
      • Headsail area: 16 m"
      • Gennaker area: 50 m"

    Monofoiler-Gonet 2.jpg Monofoiler--Gonet 1.jpg Monofoiler-Gonet 2.jpg Monofoiler- Gonet  3.jpg

    NOTE-the name "Monofoil" was first used by Jon Howes as the name for his unique speed sailing design:
    Media for user: Jon Howes | Boat Design Net https://www.boatdesign.net/gallery/users/jon-howes.4077/
    Last edited: May 26, 2018
  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    I wanted to know whether or not the boat had a keel with ballast. After a lot of searching here's what I found:

    Monofoiler-Gonet keel 5.jpg

    Monofoiler-Gonet-keel bulb 6.jpg
  3. Lurch723
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    Lurch723 Junior Member

    So would you think the white curved apex portion of the foil is an alloy casting?
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Could be....
    PS- might be carbon and done that way to make it feasible to take the gigantic "V" apart for shipping?
  5. OzFred
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    OzFred Senior Member

    At 8m and 850kg (assuming displacement = weight) it seems very heavy, or is carrying a lot of ballast. A Quant 23 (7.09m) is 300kg, a Ross 780 (7.8m) is 1,129kg and that includes 459kg of ballast (and a cabin with standing headroom and comfortable accommodation for 6), so 670kg for the boat.

    I suspect it only foils downwind, and while fun while foiling, it may not be any quicker around a course than a similar sized sports boat. I'm always distrustful of still pictures or very short video clips. I'd like to see some sustained foiling and conditions other than flat water, light breeze and big sails going (presumably) downwind. But I guess it's early days.

    The top section of the triangular foil seems redundant. That carbon might be put to better use to strengthen and stiffen other places, removing two joints. Though in doing that, the design will quickly go toward Quant style foils. I guess the removable elbow in the lower section makes construction simpler, the sections can be straight and the foils reasonably easily dismantled.
    rwatson likes this.
  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Based on the numbers I don't think the Gonet will foil upwind either unless its 15k or more.
  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    I just reread the article linked above and it says: "Sailed by four crew, it weighs 850kgs and has a relatively modest
    80m2 sail area which makes it easier to handle."
    That sounds like the boat may weigh a lot less than the "850(empty)" mentioned in the tech specs above. With 4 180lb(81.8kg) crew the boat could weigh as little as 523kg?
    The boat just had its first race in very light air and finished 58th out of about 162 boats.
  8. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Gonet Monofoiler Second in TCF1* and 34th overall out of 349 boats in her second race since being launched.
    *BOL D'OR 2018

    The really astonishing thing is that this boat is a foiler and with the really light wind finishing so well is a tribute to the designer!

    From Gonet Monofoiler facebook: Monofoil Gonet https://www.facebook.com/MonofoilGonet/

    "Monofoil Gonet ranks at the 34th place of general ranking in real time! An exceptional performance which, despite a rather unfavorable weather, allows you to finish in front of the front of the room! "
    They finished ahead of some of the cats!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    BOL D'OR 2018---video of the Gonet Monofoiler at 1:25 in:

  10. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    The Gomet did quite well. It was beaten across the line by an Ultimate 30 mono that is now 28 years old.

    It did beat two of the 13 Ventil0 M2 cats; no one who has raced on the lakes would be surprised with that. The other M2 class cats the Gomet beat were all foilers; the Gomet beat three of the four Easy to Fly foilers and almost beat the other one.
  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Gonet Monofoiler flying 2.jpg Great pix of the Gonet Monofoiler flying from their facebook page:
    Gonet monofoiler-flying.jpg
  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Gonet Monofoiler---a very weird youtube robotic un-video:


  15. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Gonet Monofoiler- (from "Voiles et Voiliers" )
    No doubt, he's flying. This Swiss "monofoil" called Gonet , 8 meters long and 2.50 meters wide, has two large foils in triangle and a bulb of 150 kilos. His total displacement does not exceed 750 kilos with the sails ... "We have already removed 100 kilos of bulb, and we will perhaps lighten again, since for now we have never been in trouble," says Eric Monnin, the designer of this flying monohull. The team members of course wear a helmet but they seem quite confident - there are also two trapezes aboard ..."When we do not have the conditions to fly, we also use the foil in the wind as a scale of recall. We had planned reefs in the sails but finally we found out the other day on Lake Garda, that even with 20 knots we could sail all over it. The thing is that our foils are very outside, so when we start flying, we gain a lot of power; while on the multihulls, the foils are rather inwards, so it's the opposite, when they take off they lose power. So, at the limit if it was again I would add another 50 centimeters or a meter mast. Finally we are already 12.20 meters, for a boat of 8 meters is not bad! "Designed to walk also in light weather when conditions do not allow flying (navigation in "archimedean" mode), Gonet also took an honorable 34th place in real time at the last Bol d'Or, mid-June, without never fly. This photo signed Nicolas Jutzi ( [/URL]his website here ) was taken when Gonet broke the kilometer record, with an average of 27 knots. "And we also flew over 30 knots for 10 seconds,"says Eric Monnin whose interview you will find in your monthly magazine soon. Case to follow.

    Gonet monofoiler 30 knots.jpg
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