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  • O'Brien Boats
    Specialist boat builders of ocen going fibreglass game boats. Custom built to your specifications and finished to any stage. Boat design and consultation including marine electronics. (Added: 23-Jan-2000 Hits: 3808)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • Ocean Craft Marine
    Ocean Craft Marine is a world leading provider of Advanced Maritime Solutions for Rigid Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) for professional, military & recreational mariners. (Added: 22-Dec-2022 Hits: 265)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • Ocean Limo
    We build exclusive, high-performance yachts that turn our passion into emotions our clients. (Added: 8-Jun-2004 Hits: 3284)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • Ocean Yard Company
    Ocean Yard builds work-boats and passenger vessels made of composite materials ranging from 8.50 to 25.00m. (Added: 11-Jun-2004 Hits: 3241)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • Offshore Interiors
    Design, fabrication, and installation of yacht interior millwork. We cater to private boat owners as well as the needs of the yacht manufacturing and retrofit industry. (Added: 6-Dec-2004 Hits: 5709)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • Old Wharf Dory Co.
    Building boats on Cape Cod, Massachusetts for over 20 years. Fishing, work and pleasure skiffs and boats. (Added: 6-Jan-2002 Hits: 3930)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • One Ocean Kayaks
    Plans for high performance wood strip sea kayak designs including how-to tips, articles about epoxy and abrasion fabrics as well as material resources for builders and pictures of wooden kayaks under construction. (Added: 1-Apr-2000 Hits: 3257)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • OneSoft
    SoftONE-CNC generates NC-code from TRIBON/AVEVA nesting “gen” files and AUTOCAD “dxf” files for computer controlled burning machines with plasma arc cutting, gas cutting, laser cutting and other manufacturing applications. (Added: 19-Dec-2009 Hits: 2051)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • Orca Canoes & Kayaks
    Orca Boats designs and builds wood strip canoes and kayaks. Offers plans, courses and kit materials for builders. (Added: 11-Aug-2005 Hits: 2741)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • Orion Wooden Sailboats
    Yacht Design, construction, modification, technical service & yachting at the center of yaching of Turkey: Gocek (Added: 1-Oct-2001 Hits: 3586)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • Outlier Yachts
    Outlier Yachts has developed a new line of Sport Yachts, Sportfisherman, Center Consoles and Tenders all powered by the Seven Marine 557hp outboard motors. (Added: 8-Oct-2013 Hits: 1885)  My Links | Rate | Visit

  • Oyster Bay Boats
    Cedar strip boat builder. Building Wee Lassie canoes, Cosine wherries, Handliner rowboat and "Fine" a sliding seat rowing wherry. (Added: 25-Feb-2019 Hits: 701)  My Links | Rate | Visit

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