
Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Manie B, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    I dont know how many of you guys are watching this, but he is on his way.
    First stop Madiera and then on to Florida.
    I dont like his boat, but I do feel that in our over regulated society a man has got to do what a man has got to do, we all need more freedom from oppresion.
    Anyway good luck Sven and fairwinds.
    Just on a personal note I would have liked to see a more "conventional" boat if such an animal exists, that "chine runners" dont turn me on.


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  2. sailingdaniel
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    sailingdaniel Junior Member

    I check his progress every day..

    His plan was to go around Cape Horn the "wrong" way, but from what i read on his site he will do that whit his nest boat. :)

    He has had good weather so far , but its a long way and very long TIME in that boat to Madeira.. Im sure he get to try how she is in ruff weather as well..

    He is a interesting man whit a "different" life story..

  3. philSweet
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    philSweet Senior Member

    Anyone got a clue to what that rudder is about. In the video, it cants.
  4. sailingdaniel
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    sailingdaniel Junior Member

    I dont think it cants.. Just turns and can be tilted up.. Its a big rudder i think..

    5 min in this film u se how it works... http://www.yrvind.com/present_project/?m=201008

    Click "present project" then u can look in the "archives" and look at his project from start to finish..
  5. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    I have kept track of his build since he started. Because I am also building a small boat I try to learn as much as possible from the "old salts" with years of experience. I have read all his pages and watched all his videos.
    I was very dissapointed when he said that this boat is not the right boat and the "next one" will be the right one for the job. I mean really, after all that, surely he should have got it right.

    The whole design is questionable, to me it is an over the top "Paradox" and now that he has admitted that it's not the right tool for the job, he's reputation will sink. The whole "chine runner" concept is questionalble for this crossing, a lee board would have helped a lot. The Paradox is fine from Florida to the Bahamas, one or two days sailing, you could row there in a canoo. As a publicity stunt this could backfire, no point in being different for difference sake. The Atlantic can be a hard task master. He also knew from the first sail that it was difficult to balance the boat and he would have to hand steer a lot, which is crazy. He should have made provision for some wind vane steering system.

    From what I read the whole idea of this crazy rudder is that it is supposed to act as rudder and lee board at the same time. In the beginning he also wanted to install another daggerboard in the bow. Maybe the combination of the 2 boards one forward and one aft would work better. I feel that his thinking around a shallow draft boat clouded his judgement.

    I keep track of his progress daily and I also look very closely at his weather on UGRIB. If he could get a bit further south he could have nice sailing from Sunday, all running which would be good progress.

    Anyway I pray for him and like I said, we need individual freedom.
  6. sailingdaniel
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    sailingdaniel Junior Member

    His boat is strange :)
    But he has been down there in his "Bris" fighting to get around before he turned around and went Tristan de Cunja or what those small islands are called.. And i dont think its many bots that size that have been down there sens Chackletons Caird.. Dont know? But he might have his reasons for taking this turn in his design..

    I think he uses cheet to tiller to steer.. I meet a gay in one of his Bris boats.. A Sofia boat, think it was a longer bris, 6m.. That boat sailed and steered fantastic whit that system..

    I guess Sven Yrvind does what Sven Yrvind does , and thats that... :) , and thats what i like about him.. good luck..

  7. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Not good?

    Things are not looking good
    average 33 miles per day in a straight line, Beginning to now, not total distance covered.
    strong headwinds for the next 5 days as per UGRIB
    which means he could actually be blown backwards


    Sven I hope you are well

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  8. sailingdaniel
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    sailingdaniel Junior Member

    He is in a boarder between two wind systems it looks like.. Stay far away from land Sven...

    33 NM / Day is slow slow slow .. That is the swimming speed of a normal person! Dont know what the current is doing there, but that affect a small/slow boat a lot..

    I i remember correct he wrote that it would take about 30 days to Madeira. That is about the speed he is doing now..
  9. GTO
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    GTO Senior Member

    I was surprised at that comment. In one of his posts, he mention that people kept asking him when he would be finished. His reply was that he was taking his time to do it right and it would be ready when it was ready.
    And yet now he is stating that this isn't the right boat?

    Hopefully he will provide more information in the future in regards to what went wrong with the boat and why he didn't scrap it and start fresh.
  10. GTO
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    GTO Senior Member

    After looking thru Yrvind.com some more, I caught one video of him demonstrating some of the systems and the rudder setup was clearly shown. It made me think that the large bulb at the rudder head was designed to reduce pitching, as opposed to an endplate on the rudder like that on Serge Testa's boat.

    And if I recall correctly, Yankee Girl averaged 2.5 knots across the Atlantic, even with the outboard assist.
  11. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

    Currents seem confused

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  12. Stumble
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    Stumble Senior Member

    Mamie, Gto

    I think his implication that the boat isn't right just shows his continued obsession with making his boats smaller, less complicated, and more seaworthy. I don't think he believed it made the boat unsafe, or unsuitable. In fact I would argue that any designer that could look at a finished boat and not wish they had done something different isn't working that hard at it. In other words I doubt any boat would ever be the perfect boat... other than the next one.
  13. Yes
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    Yes Junior Member

    Hello Manie B and others. I just registered in order to keep track of Yrvind's progress. It would be nice to get update from Manie B (thanks for the map and info in your post).
  14. GTO
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    GTO Senior Member

    Ironically, the boat he is in now was originally a larger design, but once he set up the initial panels, he decided it was too large and so he reduced it.

    I followed his progress for quite a while, and this particular boat was to incorporate all the lessons learned in his previous adventures. I just find it odd that before he even set out this time, he had already decided he needed a bigger boat - like he initially laid out.

    His adventures have fascinated me and I do hope he eventually puts everything into a book or blog. But for now, I hope that he completes the sail to Florida without issue!

  15. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Wow, the man has patience. I'm not sure I could hold it together going Transatlantic at that rate of speed in such a small craft. Incredible.
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