Yachting propulsion systems

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by ocean dreamer, Sep 2, 2018.

  1. ocean dreamer
    Joined: Sep 2018
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    ocean dreamer New Member

    Im looking at having a custom built 75 foot yacht. What my question is, what would the best propulsion system be for this? Displacement is 78,000 pounds semi displacement hull. Would a surface drive be a good option or perhaps IPS? How well do surface drives function in heavy seas?
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You should make a list of all the things you need the yacht to do and have in it. That is the statement of requirements (SOR). That will determine what the design should be; including length.
  3. ocean dreamer
    Joined: Sep 2018
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    ocean dreamer New Member

    Ok thanks for the information. I’ve been doing a list already. The propulsion system was what has been stumping me.
  4. ocean dreamer
    Joined: Sep 2018
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    ocean dreamer New Member

    I was looking for a system that will manage a Beaufort scale force 6. Something along the lines of a Cat C18 or perhaps C32 but was curious about surface drives

  5. JamesG123
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    If you are "having a custom built 75 foot yacht" built, you should trust you designer/builder enough to go with their recommendations.
    If you are looking for cheap "second opinions", remember opinions are worth what you pay for them...
    If you are just daydreaming, be honest. Most here like to daydream too.
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