Yacht fairer wanted

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by JINLEE, Apr 8, 2014.

    Joined: Nov 2011
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    JINLEE Junior Member

    2 X 20M A/L CAT and 1 X 10M Monohull A/L motor yacht.
    Hull structures are abt 65% completed at the moment.
    Looking at to start from some time in this summer.

    Yard pays directly to the labors. meal and board and round trip fee inclusive.

    What we want are actual fairers not a project manager.

    mail2jinlee@gmail.com [ C.V and hrly rate and references please ]

  2. tro
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    tro Junior Member

    Date: April 8, 2014
    New build and Refit painting services

    Dear Sir
    Thank you for taking the time to review our based at Broward Shipyards is located in the heart of the US Yacht industry in beautiful Fort Lauderdale Florida United States. We are currently looking for a new building or refitting project, oversight of large yacht or small construction not a problem, location anywhere. Pres of Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc. Enjoyed 31 years established with Megayacht, Superyacht, Shipbuilders and Boatbuilders in the world market. Our service offering includes new build fairing and finishes painting or Refit painting, Metallic, Interior painting, Repair existing teak decks and Varnish services. (LYR) specializes in project contractor, subcontractor, estimator and management to provide excellence in the application of yacht coatings. To our clients the best craftsmanship possible working with Megayacht and Superyacht Owners, Captains, Brokers, Designs, Shipyards and Boatyards. (LYR) deploys its crew’s world-wide to travel location anywhere at short notice and large or small assemble teams for foreign jobs with spray gun in hand. If you have any questions regarding our services please do not hesitate to contact us. Please send us an email or contact us with your requirements or inquiries and we will respond promptly to your request as soon as possible. Thank you once again for your confidence in us.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind Regards

    Luxury Yacht Refinishing, Inc.
    2420 South West 15th Avenue,
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 United States
    Tro Le - 1 (954) 536 - 9877
    E-mail: luxuryyr@yahoo.com
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