Yacht Design Invitation

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Capital Dragon, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Capital Dragon
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    Capital Dragon Junior Member

    Hi My name is Yuwei (Charlie), and I'm from Capital Dragon Lifeblood Yacht Club, Beijing, PR China.
    We are planning to establish the first inland Yacht Club of China in Beijing, the capital of China. We are going to build about 20 luxury yachts with 25 meters maximum length (82 feet), so we are looking for professional, luxurious and exclusive designs from the best yacht design companies.

    Please send me an email to jingchenglongmai@126.com if anyone is interested in this.

    Tel / Fax: +86 (10) 66707214
    Address:3rd Floor, Yun Tong Century of East Ninth Building, #83 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R China. 100856

    Business Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 17:30 pm, Beijing Time, GMT+8
  2. Capital Dragon
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    Capital Dragon Junior Member

    BTW Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, I'll greatly appreciate if anyone could tell me where I can post a public invitation for yacht design
  3. Stumble
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    Stumble Senior Member


    I think you have the right place, but I have to wonder about 25m boats on an inland lake. This would be a huge vessel unless there is a much larger expanse of deep water around. Assume for a moderate performance sailboat in the size range you would need a minimum of a 50 square mile lake with a minimum water depth of 3 meters.
  4. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    Having been to Beijing,I didn't recall any big lakes around as it is quite close to the Gobi desert.

    Curious,I looked on google earth and there seems to be drinking water reservoirs Miyun and Guanting -do they let boaters on those?
    I couldn't see any larger ones around.
  5. Capital Dragon
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    Capital Dragon Junior Member

    Thanks a lot for your replys Stumble and WestVanHan.
    Well, we're gonna put the yachts on a river named Kunyu River, speed is not very important since we cant really go too fast.
    We've got the permits to sail maximum 20 yachts (motor yachts) on the river, but the average depth of the river is only 2m, so we have some special requirements for the yachts.
    If anyone is interested please email me and I'll send you a copy of our requirements of conceptual design.
  6. dskira

    dskira Previous Member

    One more. It is quite a epidemic these design proposition. It looks more and more like a Nigerian scam but from China. :p
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    So this is a design request for a yacht that is 25 m long and at most 1.5 m loaded draft. You could have a barge within those limits.
  8. Capital Dragon
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    Capital Dragon Junior Member

    I know it sounds tricky but it's true. Besides this forum we have also sent our invitation to some of the most famous yacht design firms such as Ferretti, Azimut, Sunseeker. Currently we got some replys from the ones who are capable of doing it.
  9. Capital Dragon
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    Capital Dragon Junior Member

    Well a barge is absolutely not what we want. They have to be luxury yachts since we're gonna build an exclusive club.:)
  10. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Cant find " a river named Kunyu River," on Google earth or Google search.

    best i could do was ..

    "Mount Kunyu is located on the Shandong Peninsula (aka ... The Hai He River, which empties into the Gulf of Bohai ... inland from the southernmost point of the East China Sea ..."
  11. michael pierzga
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  12. yipster
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    yipster designer

    invitation makes me think of a project i once did some rough sketches for..
    was asked to transform a bit smaller chineese police riverboat into a yacht
    cabins were 5ft high, boat, engines too were allready chineese and boat was round 100k
    but cost of rebuilding, interior and/or transport to eu if not other plans stopped investigation
  13. Capital Dragon
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    Capital Dragon Junior Member

    I guess Google did a bad job on translating the Chinese map into English version. The river is south from Bayi Lake and north to the Kunming lake of Summer Palace. Search the Chinese name of Kunyu river "北京昆玉河” and you may find it.
  14. Capital Dragon
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  15. Capital Dragon
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    Capital Dragon Junior Member

    Well our project is bigger than that..It's to build 20 luxury motor yachts with 25m(82 feet) in maximum length.
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