Wyliecat Rig vs. Modern Sloop Rig Performance

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by bluhorizan, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. bluhorizan
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    bluhorizan New Member

  2. dougfrolich
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    dougfrolich Senior Member

    "I also wanted a boat that could be sailed short-handed with a deck layout incorporating many non-standard adjustments." Quote from RC

    So should the comparative VPP be run with 1 or 2 crew? Triangle,Windward-Leeward o.k.?
  3. Paul Kotzebue

    Paul Kotzebue Previous Member

    You're not going to get any meaningful VPP results without extensive data from the hull and appendages, and an accurate load condition with weight and center of gravity. Chances are the Wylie cat rig falls outside the empirical data used to develop the VPP algorithm, so the results for that boat may not be reliable anyway.
  4. bluhorizan
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    bluhorizan New Member

    Thanks for your interest and replies. I'm interested in a comparison on windward-leeward course scenario with a small crew of 4 on the Wyliecat and full crew on the RC 44. What do you think could allow us to do the best comparison of performance between these 2 boats?
  5. Paul Kotzebue

    Paul Kotzebue Previous Member

    The RC 44 probably has the edge under that scenario being the (reportedly) lighter boat with more crew generated righting moment. That said, Tom Wylie is one of the best and most innovative designers in the business. The Wyliecat 44 looks like a helluva nice boat that may or may not beat an RC 44, but should be close in speed potential, as you may have already surmised.

    If you're lucky, these boats will enter an event where they sail the same course at the same time and you can look at the elapsed times. Or you may be able to get ORC VPP polar plots from the manufacturers and compare those.

  6. bluhorizan
    Joined: Sep 2010
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    bluhorizan New Member

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