Would a 3rd head sail add speed or drag

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Chris Chamberlain, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member

    I have a custom built cutter ketch with a bow spirt. It would be very easy to fly another head sail from the spirt or extend the sprit as well? I have attached a picture of the current configuration I'm using. Would adding another head sail help or hurt? https://photos.app.goo.gl/ozhQbEFevwjsS7Y22

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  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    You're not going to gain any speed, though in light air maybe a slight improvement, just because of the additional area, given the added complication it adds to the rig. Your boat appears to be limited to displacement speeds, so you'll hit a wall, based on her waterline length and that's about it without firing up an engine. Triple headsails looks cool, but generally is more drag. In light air a single big headsail will be the most efficient on that rig.
  3. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member

    Thanks I think I'll give it a try just for style. It wouldnt be expensive except for the sail. I usually have extra crew so it would give them something to do.
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    UNCIVILIZED DIY Junkyard MadScientist

    Realistically, 2 headsails is pretty much the max. Upwind, or reaching. Otherwise you start getting into interference between them. If you really want extra speed, look to optimize a double headsail setup of one type or another. Such as a long sprit with a kite, & then some form of jib with it's tack further aft.
    Much of what works will be determined by the wind angles, & wind speeds you're considering, along with your boat's performance at various wind angles, wind speeds, & boat speeds.
  5. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member

    Thanks for the advice! So moving my a-spin even further forward will help. I have no sail inventory for my head sails on my mizzen mast where should I spend my money first? Mule with or with out a wishbone? stay sail or spinnaker?
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    UNCIVILIZED DIY Junkyard MadScientist

    Can't really give you much advice until you tell us what you're trying to achieve. Meaning at what wind angles (true & apparent) & speeds, are you looking to boost your performance. Plus we'd need to know what's currently in your sail inventory. So as to know where to best start filling in the "holes". Those things, along with how hard you're willing to work to boost your performance. Meaning how often are you up for going forward to change sails. And how many crew do you have to do/help with this? Plus of course, the perennial question, what's your budget? Knowing that sail handling hardware like furlers, can at times cost as much as the sail. While other times you can pick up pre-loved hardware for sail handling, dirt cheap. For example gear to set/fly free flying/loose luffed staysails. Be they flown from the main or mizzen mast.
  7. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member

    I often go out for a day sail on lake Charlevoix MI and into lake Michigan.I have a main sail, mizzen sail, 72% jib, not sure on my yankee size, a 150% jenny but because of the sprit it doesn't pass the main mast. I have a .5 and a .75 a-symmetric spinnakers. she sails good and points upwind great. the problem is when the wind dies down at the end of the day it takes a while to get back to dock. usually it's a 70% chance of downwind/ broad reaching on the way back in my boat doesn't like dead downwind at all. So what should my next purchase for my sail inventory be? I was thinking a wishbone mule or a mizzen spinnaker.
  8. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member

    here are some pictures with the sails up
    20160703_182217.jpg IMG_1947.jpg 3976.jpeg

  9. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member

    When measuring head sails should I factor in the bow sprit for j? Basically would a 150% genoa with out the bow sprit still be a 150% when moved to the bow sprit and not over lapping?
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