Working alone, smaller pieces?

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Bigtalljv, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. Bigtalljv
    Joined: Aug 2019
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    Bigtalljv Senior Member


    so I’m running into some issues working alone with some of the sheets of fiberglass I’m trying to put down, they are just too big to handle alone. Now this might be a problem of my own creation.

    How big of a difference does a seam make if I break the sheets up into smaller sections? The transom is 8’ wide, would two 4’ fabric sections be dramatically less of a good idea for the inside skins? It sure would be nice to work with smaller pieces.

  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Manage the work. 2" overlap seams minimum
  3. Bigtalljv
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    Bigtalljv Senior Member

    Thanks. Sometimes I amaze myself with my stupidity. I just keep walking into that wall, ow….ow….ow.

    Much easier to make it three pieces with fairly large overlaps. 18 pieces cut and ready for the weekend.
  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Laminating is hard work. Do what you can to make it easier.
  5. Bigtalljv
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    Bigtalljv Senior Member

    I’m slowly learning…..
  6. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Smaller pieces of laminate equate to more work in the finishing stages, mainly in terms of filling and sanding.
    Can you find another set of hands to help?

  7. Bigtalljv
    Joined: Aug 2019
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    Bigtalljv Senior Member

    That’s an excellent point but in this particular case it’s the inside of the transom so my finish doesn’t need to be anything but workboat, it will be barely visible if you try to see it.
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