Wikipedia Donation Problem?

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by ancient kayaker, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. ancient kayaker
    Joined: Aug 2006
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    While making a donation to Wikipedia, supposedly on a secure page, after entering all the details and clicking the continue button I expected to see a confirmation page with a note that I would get an email automatically.

    Instead I got an almost blank page with no acknowledgement.

    Has anyone else had problems? Is this a safe thing to do or should I warn my credit card security?
  2. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Just give me your credit card number and I'll take care of it...


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  3. Poida
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    Poida Senior Member

    Or, give it to me


  4. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Did you go to them to donate or did "they" come to you? I'd ask Wiki if they got it and then alert your card company about it if they didn't.
  5. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    I went to them. I use Wiki a lot and I figured I owed it to them. The problem has gone away apparently and the payment went through after all, but it is nerve racking when Web payment procedures "gang aglee" especially as I was ripped off several $1000 a few years ago. All's well that ends well . . .
  6. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    Glad it was nothing.
    One thing is good is if your credit card allows you to quickly generate a one-time-use credit card number.
  7. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    I don't understand why the site fails to generate self funding.
    Would it really kill the objectivity if they ran a few Nike are Gatoraid ads?

    I also use the site a good deal
  8. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Not kill but might compromise. Nobody can say where's the line when it happens . And I haven't seen ads in any printed ensyclopedia so why should we watch them in a net version.. Just my humble opinion..
  9. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    which bank lets you do that?
  10. Silver Raven
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    Silver Raven Senior Member

    Safe Credit-card transactions.

    G'd 'Yobu' - There is a fail-safe - yes I do mean that - way to bo any/all banking safely. A 'computer wiz-person, who buys many items - using the web/net etc. explained to me what he does - I now do just that!!!!

    He has an 'isolated' bank account - seperate from all his others - from his - every day usage - trading account - he transfers to his web/net purchase account ONLY the amount to be paid.
    STOPS any & all unauthorised transactions - COMPLETELY & TOTALLY.

    I've used that system for over 20 years now & never had a problem - although it did stop 3 'badies' from doing 'double-dip'. So for me it works & is tested. Good security costs less than the alternative. Ciao, james
  11. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Oh. I do that. Sorta. I have two bank accounts same bank. I gave my wife an ATM card to 2nd account. I transfer money to that 2nd account and don't ask her to account how it's spent. The primary account she has no idea of how to access. Paychecks get deposited in it, pensions ect.
    it's how I stay solvent.
    Maybe I need a 3rd account.
  12. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    I use Bank of America ShopSafe when buying from stores I don't know - it creates a one-time use credit card number each time. It's not as fast to use as it was at the start however as now you have to go to services, features, shopsafe, generate number.
  13. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Thanks for the info BPL
  14. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    You can avoid any WIKI problems by donating directly to ME...

    Put your hard earned cash in an envelope and post it to me.

    My local Cafe will appreciate the efficiency as its owner is presently in a major boat refit. masking tape and peices of timber everywhere.

    Beer to Bucks. He needs your help
    Be generous.....As Boat owner you can appreciate his conundrum.

  15. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    Encyclopedia sets were not free. Either you bought them for hundreds of dollars or the library bought them with tax dollars.
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