Who likes my new switch panel

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by the brain, May 17, 2017.

  1. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    Who likes my new switch panel

    It’s a on/off switch for

    secondary bilge

    cuddy LED

    Cabin LED

    Aft LED

    Anchor LED

    NAV lights on different panel.

    The switch has a LED when the switch is on the LED lights

    So looks like I’ll have a short jumper to the third terminal (see on the bottom).

    What do you Guy’s think of my panel?

    I think the folks at e bay lied to me when they said these where marine switchs like don't marine switchs have a rubber bootie coving it?

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  2. BertKu
    Joined: May 2009
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hi Brain, All switches of that type can have a rubber water repellent part which are available from many components suppliers. Like www.mantech.co.za. they cost about 40 dollar sent. It is the postage what will break you back. Be careful, There are 2 types a) for miniature switches and the correct one your type.
    Good luck.
  3. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hi the Brain,

    I made a mistake. They are 1 dollar by buying in quantities of < 10. Unfortunately I purchase them in larger quantities from Mantech.
    You should be able to purchase them from Mantech. Airmail is not too expensive

    " Their items are called:
    1 to 100 Rand 15.80 ( +/- 1 dollar)
    101 - 501 R 11.85"
    Best regards
  4. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Looks pretty simple, was there something special about a piece of bent aluminum?
  5. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    yes I bend it, (to fit my new dash) drilled it

    next will wire/ lable it.

    BertKu I will use kids ballons to cover the switch.

    so far I have three wired switchs on another panel, main bilge/NAV/cabin LED

    was thinking of new panels top switch be live well (I don't let LW constantely run)
    rest will be LEDs switchs.

  6. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Kids ballons, does not sound very professional for a nice job. have a look at the photo, you may very well change your mind.
  7. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I like the LED builtin the switch.

    I could cover exposed switch w/ booties however there are only readily available in black. black is bad, covering my switch on status indicater.

    10pcs 6MM Black Mini Toggle Switch Rubbers Resistance Boot Cover Caps Waterproof | eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-6MM-Black-Mini-Toggle-Switch-Rubbers-Resistance-Boot-Cover-Caps-Waterproof-/172660538750?hash=item28335ebd7e:g:F9YAAOSwuMZZC8gI

    attach image of desired cover at $16. each I'll pass
    The base of this bootie is most likely steel, that will require covering w/ glue?
    Cole Hersee Toggle Seal Boot Clear http://www.ozautoelectrics.com/toggle-seal-boot-clear.html

    edit: the orginal StarCraft switchs are exposed these are 40 years old and still work fine however during this 40 years it was never in saltwater.

    maybe the ebay didn't lie to me and these inexpensive switchs are indeed marine quality?

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    Last edited: May 18, 2017
  8. BertKu
    Joined: May 2009
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    BertKu Senior Member

    OK fair enough, I see now your point. B067X98 (BRASS THREAD) - COVER RUBBER BOOT M12 TOG-TYPE http://www.mantech.co.za/ProductInfo.aspx?Item=72M3597 have a look at them, they are less than 1 dollar each. and see whether you cannot clip the tip and place a see through sleeve over it , which you must than seal at the top. 1 Dollar = Rand 13.48
  9. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    mounted panel

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  10. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I decided to connect a switch to my new FF it uses electricity when turned off by it's own switch

    what do Guy's think of the mounted panel?
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