Where can i find a video about ship's inclining test?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by sun, Oct 13, 2018.

  1. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    Thanks for help.
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I do not think that such a video exists but, in any case, it is difficult that through a video you can learn how to do an inclining test. In the textbooks and publications of the IMO, it is very well described how this test should be performed.
    Read those procedures and if, after doing so, you have specific doubts, discuss them with your teachers or, if you prefer, in this forum.
  3. JSL
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    Text books & organizations (IMO, etc) can be excellent but be cautious about magazines. There was one published in a magazine about a year ago that was very poor and an open invitation to errors & frustration. The best way is to sit-in and/or participate in a few (several) so you get the whole concept.
  4. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    I had a textbook about the test,but i think a vedio is more intuitive.
  5. TANSL
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  6. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    ‘‘ Where can i find a video about ship's inclining test? ’’ - try ship inclining test

    For me the link gives approx 50,500 related video finds in about 0.16 seconds, but I didn't watch any of them yet.

    Please post the ones that you consider to be the most informative on the topic, so the forum members who bump into this can discuss them here with you, that is if you ask them, and if they like to do so.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2018
  7. sun
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  8. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    This could be an interesting thread, thanks for starting . . :)
  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Nice video.
    During the inclining test the boat should float freely so that it tilts freely due to the action of the heeling weights.
    In the video it is perfectly seen that the ship is tied to the dock by means of different lines that, when tensed, prevent the ship from freely heeling. The results of that test are, therefore, totally incorrect.
    However much computer you have available, no matter how much electronic device you use, if you do not know how to do things, it is very likely that you do them wrong and the computer, which only does what the user asks, can not avoid your own mistakes nor can teach you ship theory.
  10. Heimfried
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    Heimfried Senior Member

    To execute a reliable inclination test a number of conditions have to be fullfilled. May be, the linked video is taken from a correct test prucedure, may be not. The video does not show at all, that the rules are observed and it shows not the recording of a sentence of readings.
  11. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Almost certainly the complete inclining test consisted of many more performances than those shown in that video because, if not, the conclusions obtained could be very wrong.
    Anyway, a video of this kind can show some of the things that have to be done but it does not seem to be the most appropriate tool, or at least not the only one, to teach the basics of the inclining test.
  12. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    I agree with Tansl.
    I watched the video and was not impressed. It is essentially a case of Gi-Go (garbage in -garbage out): it would certainly not 'teach' a person how to do an Inclining Experiment. I also scanned a few of the other videos -sorry, same opinion: an introduction..... perhaps.
    Like any important work, there is a lot of preparation of the materials, procedure, record-keeping, etc. and non of this appears to be addressed in the videos.
    Sorry to sound like a grump but I have done (& assisted) in many Inclining Experiments over the years ranging from small vessels (8m) to ferries (100m) and doing it right way is usually the best way .

  13. sun
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    sun Senior Member

    Thanks!Did you have any vedio about inclining test?
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