what's the name of the boat hold ?

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by hyboats, May 3, 2016.

  1. hyboats
    Joined: Jun 2010
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    hyboats Junior Member

    look at the photo. What's the name of the equipment under the boat :?:

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  2. NavalSArtichoke
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    NavalSArtichoke Senior Member

    Looks like some kind of a floating boat cradle supported by a couple of cylindrical pontoons.

    Poor man's drydock, perhaps?
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Noticed a few of these rescue boats being kept in cradles. Saves on anti-fouling I suppose.
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    That's one of the new plastic (usually HDPE) floating boat lifts and there are several available, some quite clever. Tough, inert materials and low maintenance. The unit above is an "Air Berth" product and one of the better ones on the market and very well regarded in Australia.
  5. Charlyipad
    Joined: May 2014
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    Charlyipad Senior Member

    poor man's dry dock?
    how bout a poor man's poor man's dry dock?
    Im thinking 55gallon drums held together in two long platforms with the boat floated in the middle and jacked up out of the water with webbing straps?
    anyone here built something like that? what problems did you have? ideas?

    sorry for the drift
  6. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Air docks are common here. Good idea.
  7. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Charly, if you're going to hoist/jack, the drum/platform assembly, what's the point of the drums?
  8. Charlyipad
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    Charlyipad Senior Member

    The hoisting part would be done to the boat to lift it onto the drums maybe. ?
    Those hydro hoists are cool but for home-aid with 55 gal drums they would have to be sealed (probably another headache )

  9. Charlyipad
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    Charlyipad Senior Member

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