What kind of transom is this?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by rubenova, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. rubenova
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    rubenova Junior Member

    I've seen a lot of boat derriere over the years, this one is new to me. I'm curious how one would describe this in boat-speak. What say you? what kind of transom is this.JPG
  2. Busman1965
    Joined: Jun 2007
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    Busman1965 Junior Member

    Looks like a standard salmon troller transom from the early 20th century. I had a 28ft salmon troller built in 1928 that had that same transom. Its just a basic raked sort of horseshoe shape with a wood frame around it, to protect the hood ends from wear. They were very common on the Northern Pacific coast years back. The boats are typically a deep round bilge hull with a full keel and protected prop and rudder. I cruised my old troller all over the Bahamas for 2 decade (someone else had shipped her to Florida,before I bought her). Amazing sea boats and very efficient hulls, with a small 50hp diesel I could putt along at 6 knots for pocket change. Many of Monks earliest designs were of this type of boat.
    bajansailor likes this.
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Might have been useful if backing up was required in rough water.

  4. Busman1965
    Joined: Jun 2007
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    Busman1965 Junior Member

    Yes, also those boat drift with the stern to the seas (usually off one quarter or the other). The rake helps push the water beneath the hull a bit. But the aft deck is wet, when the boat is loaded, hence the high comings on the hatches and standing cockpit.
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