What kind of boat is this?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by irwin9, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. irwin9
    Joined: Jan 2014
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    irwin9 New Member

    Any idea what kind of boat this is? Princecraft surfer, GW Invader? Something else?
    Thanks for your help 20140112_133114_zpsjewmh4ej.jpg
  2. irwin9
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    irwin9 New Member

    Havent seen any with the little window, is it aftermarket?
  3. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    It does not look anything like the 13' GW Invader I once had.....not ringing any bells otherwise.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Is that a 'surf-board' bow ? Certainly doesn't seem to be much under it !
  5. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Don't know who built this one. This looks like a design that was very popular in the 80's but financially was a loser. So the companies making them kept going out of business and selling the molds . It was made by at least a half dozen, maybe more, companies.
  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I don't know if it was a financial loser so much as falling victim, to the glut on the market in that era and being inferior to the yet to be invented PWC, which put these things out to pasture pretty quickly. In any case, only a very small percentage of this hull type where pre 1973, so a HIN should be available on the upper right side of the transom. The first 3 digits of the HIN will tell you who made it.
  7. irwin9
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    irwin9 New Member

    Thanks for the advice, I gather all these little boat molds have changed hands over the years and may have been tweeked from one manufacturer to the next
  8. PAR
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  9. irwin9
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    irwin9 New Member

    It looks like there isn't one or it has been painted over. Ill have to go back out where its stored to take a better look.
  10. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    What does the title and/or registration say for the HIN?
  11. dcfrench
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    dcfrench New Member

    Checkmate Playmate 1970ish

  12. Titan113
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    Titan113 New Member

    It's a Princecraft Surfer, with a production run of only three years....72,73,74.

    Mine is a 72, and have had it 30 years. It's been sitting for the past 15 years, in the process of a complete restoration.
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