what i do

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by sergewithadream, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. peter radclyffe
    Joined: Mar 2009
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    thank you bistros
  2. M-Sasha

    M-Sasha Guest


    that looks more like a 100000$ lesson than like 20k. I fully concur with PAR and apex.

  3. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I've seen worse come back into service, have her looked at and good luck.
  4. Paul B

    Paul B Previous Member

    Yes, people can bring back boats from near-death. A yard such as


    has rebuilt some classics, replacing more than 90% of the planking and ribs. In the end it is basically a new construction. Of course the cost is not insignificant.

    I have a modern wood boat that I rescued and rebuilt. I knew going in that the final cost would exceed the amount I would ever be able to recoup. I did it because the boat had a special history and had a personal connection.

    I would say that AU$5000.00 seems far too high a price for you to have paid for what I see in the photos, unless the boat has some specific historical value. That doesn't seem likely, since you don't seem to have even the decade of construction identified.
  5. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    The only yard I am aware of, where the shipwrights have to cross the main road between the shops and the boats. But good craftsmanship, they provide.
    C N dell Argentario
  6. PAR
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    The 5K also suggest she's in fairly good shape, or the previous owner had a "live one on" and set the hook deep.
  7. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

  8. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

  9. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

  10. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    7 Par
  11. Ramona
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Ramona Senior Member

    Does that include the trailer?
    Steer clear of modern repair products in tubes. You will need traditional products as found at this site. http://www.tradboats.com/conseamfillers.html. Where to find them in Melbourne may be a problem. First place to look will be at your local fishing coop. Hang around the local boat slips and check out the owners covered in crap, ask them questions.

    I personally think this boat is in better condition than a lot of others here think. I see plenty of fishing vessels that don't look this good!

    That vessel in my avatar is my commercial fishing vessel. Built in Geelong in 1945 by GM car workers just before the end of WW2. Still has all the original planks and fastenings, never needs caulking. 84 of these vessels were built during the war, mostly by non shipwrights and as far as I know they are still out there.

    About a month ago I was in Sydney looking at a yacht, when the broker heard I had one of these boats, be showed me one his company had just restored at a cost of $800,000. Apparently the owner was quoted $400,000 but it blew out a bit. It did look good but I can not see anyone paying more than $150,000 for it now.

    You need to set a budget based on what this boat in reasonable condition is worth and try not to exceed it. Materials are relatively cheap, paying for labour will be exceedingly expensive, that's why all those boats are on Ebay.

    What's the overall length? Does it have an engine?

    Some more photos might help keep this thread going and freak out a few negative people.
  12. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member


    I do not think that there a re a few negative people, it is just that we have all seen money going down the drain for bugger all.....if the vessel is historic or family, OK, so be it, but it is far easier to make a new one than it is to restore.

    I have just last week being asking advice from PAR about Chris Craft restoration I have been offered, and niot having actually done a Chris Craft, his comments were very much appreciated (I was hoping that there would be some "new" method that I did not know about...of course there isn't).....

    It is nice that we can ask these dumb questions from people that do this sort of work all the time (thanks to PAR and others here), I have only done a few dozen restorations from this sort of state...no fun really. Most of my work was repairing what others did not want to do...keeps me off the streets.
  13. sergewithadream
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    sergewithadream Junior Member

    thanks PER
    she will be under carport ,new taller poles are arriving in the morning
    i regret taking the paint off but what i sow under looked made me happy
    jarrah wood is dark red black , maybe on the photos is hard to tell
    am sure i know how rot looks like but i honestly don't see any whats so ever , maybe is deep inside the wood i don't know
    there is tiny cracks on the bottom where paint was peald off, is beep and wide as doctors needle
    hope by been in the shade will stop cracking for a while till she is all refastened
    planks a,re sold i been hitting, pressing tham hard, there all seem strongly attached
    only on 2 places i can kind of move them in a bit if a press really hard
    i really want to get her painted + the rest as soon as possible

    is adding few sister ribs a huge task doest it cost a lot
    no that im sure she needs it, but is just a question
    would not mind having her even stronger
  14. sergewithadream
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    sergewithadream Junior Member

    there is a hole story behind how i got her
    did not get the chance to explane as this is all going fast , but thank you all for interest and you opinions, it is great
    i bought her from a most amazing man and a place have even seen
    It used to be a huge yard and many people working there, but now he is only left and he very old, he is been doing it all his life and he is over 75 now if not more ,him and his late brother used make some amazing boats over the years , you can tell on him eyes and hands that he an artist. meanwhile the owner "bussnes man" had twins and did not have the time also the boat was on a trailer than belonged to a yacht club and there want it back for long time, and than there where going to some road work there and she was on the way too
    she was at the yard for 10 months
    old man sed he does not have time or power for her as he had few boats lined up, usually owner come and work with him,

    i was going there lots
    helping him just hanging out,

    he told me what ever i need he will help me he would cut all the wood for me just bring him the old part and take me stap by stap

    we never really talked that deep about what she needs

    he is never been on top of her and inside was to high not easy to access
    he told me
    Serge she is a good boat and i belive him

    i did not go and see him since i got her home 3-4 weeks
    and i really wanted to start on her so i made a mastake of taking of the paint.

    going to spend all sunday with him
    cant wait .....

  15. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Good luck and success!
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