What does the changing wave value in brackets mean?

Discussion in 'Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics' started by sun, Sep 18, 2021.

  1. sun
    Joined: Sep 2018
    Posts: 151
    Likes: 12, Points: 18
    Location: Hongkong

    sun Senior Member

    GHS report:

    Wave type: TROCHOID
    Phase of crest relative to origin: 0.0 degrees (0.00 Ft)
    Wave length: 80.00 Ft Crest-to-trough height: 4.00 Ft
    Phase of crest relative to origin: 10.0 degrees (2.22 Ft)

    Phase of crest relative to origin: 20.0 degrees (4.44 Ft)

    Phase of crest relative to origin: 30.0 degrees (6.67 Ft)

    Phase of crest relative to origin: 40.0 degrees (8.89 Ft)
    Phase of crest relative to origin: 50.0 degrees (11.11 Ft)
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021
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