What about Navy's Stealth Destroyer - the Zumwalt

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by El_Guero, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

  2. Stumble
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    Stumble Senior Member

    Let's see.... The USS George HW Bush Nimitz class aircraft carrier cost 6.2 billion. I can't begin to see this as the equal of an aircraft carrier, so no. I think this is a Navy boondoggle that should have been aborted when they first had overruns.
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  3. Waterwitch
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    Waterwitch Senior Member

    I read somwhere it is a 3 billion dollar ship with 5 billion dollars of weapons systems aboard.
    What should the world's most sophisticated surface combat vessel cost?
  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    The words Value and Military cannot be logically combined.
  5. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    Another great comment RWatson!
  6. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    Well, since other vessels carry the same weapon systems, I think the cost is in the vessel.

    They were supposed to be under $3Billion each, they finally gave up after excessive cost over runs. So, they cut to 3 ships and $7Billion apiece total ....

    I think this one will probably exceed 10 Billion if they are honest.

    Wish I had 1% ....
  7. daiquiri
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    Ok, who copied the homework here?

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  8. DCockey
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  9. El_Guero

    El_Guero Previous Member

    From: http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/...avy-launches-new-stealth-destroyer/?hpt=hp_t2

    20 Billion divided by 3 = about 7 billion a piece. The 9 Billion in R&D .... Wiki reported almost $6 Billion each as of 2009 ....

    So, somewhere between $6 Billion and $10 Billion each .... depending upon how you amortize the R&D.

    Or, did you hear a different price?

  10. DCockey
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    From your link with emphasis added:
    The Navy had planned to spend up to $9 billion in research and development on the DDG-1000 program and up to $20 billion to design and deliver seven ships. But cost overruns cut production to three ships.
    It does not say $20 billion to design and deliver three ships.

    From http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/10/21/navy-largest-destroyer-heading-into-water-in-maine/
    "The Zumwalt will cost more than $3.5 billion — about three times that of current destroyers — but the program has not been beset by big cost overruns or delays, officials said."​
    This is consistent with
    The first DDG-1000 destroyer is expected to cost $3.5 billion, the second is to cost approximately $2.5 billion, and the third even less. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zumwalt_class_destroyer
    The costs above are presumably what will be paid to BWI and the parts suppliers and do not include allocation of research costs.
  11. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    My,aren't we greedy? ;)
  12. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    I was goign to ask "What does a 'stealth' destroyer do ? "
    I found a good summary

    "The USS Zumwalt, the first of the DDG-1000 class of destroyers, is longer, faster and carries state-of-the-art weapons that will allow it to destroy targets at more than 60 miles, according to the Navy.

    At 610 feet long and 81 feet wide, the Zumwalt is longer and thinner than the USS Arizona, a battleship sunk at Pearl Harbor. But it weighs about half as much.

    Much of the ship's superstructure is wrapped in a huge, canopy made of lightweight carbon fiber composite.

    The canopy and the rest of the ship is built on angles that help make it 50 times harder to spot on radar than an ordinary destroyer.

    "It has the radar cross-section of a fishing boat," said Chris Johnson a spokesperson for Naval Sea Systems Command.

    The Navy had planned to spend up to $9 billion in research and development on the DDG-1000 program and up to $20 billion to design and deliver seven ships. But cost overruns cut production to three ships.

    When it begins missions, the Zumwalt will be the largest stealthy ship in the Navy.

    Coming out of dry dock at Bath Iron Works in Maine does not mean the ship is ready to put to sea.

    The shipbuilder will now begin installing a considerable arsenal of weapons, including two Advanced Gun Systems (AGS), which can fire rocket powered, computer-guided shells that can destroy targets 63 miles away. That's three times farther than ordinary destroyer guns can fire.

    The DDX will go to sea with a crew of about 150 as opposed to current destroyers which carry a crew of 275. One reason is the AGS is practically self-firing. It needs no sailors to load the shells or remove the spent rounds.

    The Zumwalt will also be equipped with a new missile launching system capable of firing 80 missiles, including Tomahawk cruise missiles and Seasparrow surface to air missiles."

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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    I was goign to ask "What does a 'stealth' destroyer do ? "

    IF one rocket gets thru the on board defenses the aluminum deck house burns .
  14. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    So what ?. One rocket will take out a huge steel boat like the HMS Sheffield.

  15. DCockey
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    Deck house on the Zumwalt and the second DDG-1000 are composite. Deck house on the third DDG-1000 will be steel.
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