Wharram trimaran

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Teleman, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Teleman
    Joined: Oct 2014
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    Teleman Junior Member

    Sadly I didn't have a camera. It was rather "special".

    Years ago in Townsville marina I noticed an old Wharram Narai. The whole deck area was covered by what looked like a squatter's shack made from recycled bits of wood. There was an old household upright fridge in the cockpit and junk everywhere.

    Last week I was in the marina again, and there it was. The shack had been enlarged, there was even more junk on board, but the owner had improved it.

    It had been painted (looked like cheap housepaint) and to keep it from sinking under all that weight, a third central hull had been added.

    It had about 4' beam, vertical sides, a plumb bow and stern, and looked like a flat bottom with no rocker. A long narrow box with pointy ends.

    Oh well, I guess a man's home is his castle...........
  2. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Wasn't headed for Hawaii was it ?
  3. Teleman
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    Teleman Junior Member

    It was blowing 25+ knots in Townsville over the weekend, if that thing had gone out into the chop it would fall apart in about 15 minutes.

    (Note: it would have to be towed out, there is a mast and some rags strapped to the boom, but no room for anything resembling a headsail, and it would take at least a 100HP outboard to push it.)

    Unlike the Flyin' Hawaiian, there was once a good boat under all that mess.
  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    I was just reading the "Elephant in the room - Insurance" thread - I wonder what the marinas policy on insurance is ?

    How much damage would a fire do to that boats, and the others around it ?
  5. Teleman
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    Teleman Junior Member

    AFAIK all Qld. marinas require $10mill public liability cover, plus cover for salvage/removal of vessel if necessary.

    Obviously the boat in question is insured, he's been there at least 10 years.
    (I feel a bit bad now about disparaging this boat, it's somebody's home and long-term project.)

  6. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Cheap rent in a tropical climate, on the water .... he is obviously hating it :)
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