Want to design yachts? The future designer

Discussion in 'Education' started by sele, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. DCockey
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  2. sele
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    sele High School Student

    I didn't know that!But there's a lot of other collages for naval architecture.
    I really need to ask this question: I live in Turkey so my mother tongue is Turkish but I also learn English and French and this year I might start to learn Italian so in my country there's a collage called ITU which has a naval architecture department but in Europe ,USA or in France there are a lot of other collage choices.So what do you think:
    -should I study in ITU(language:Turkish) and than have my master degree in french or english


    -should I study in english or french in a foreign country?

    Your advices can be helpful for my future and my education so please tell me your opinions ,ideas ,and experiences.

    As naval architecture is an international profession(I mean there are collage or job opportunities around the world)which choice can be more advantageous for me?
  3. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    I believe in France there is no official degree in Naval Architecture...
  4. sele
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    sele High School Student

    Well there's just one collage in France that I know :Ecole Centrale de Nantes but I think there can be better choices.
  5. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    The point is that they don't give official NA degree in France; they have mechanical engineering with some course in hydrodynamics. At least few years ago it was like that.
  6. sele
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    sele High School Student

    I wonder why it's like that.My current studies are suitable for a French collage but English can be advantageous for mechanics.

    I'm confused,I think I need advices about the language issue.
  7. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Again, You can get Bachelor in Istambul and Master in Southampton in small craft design. Why French? :cool:
  8. sele
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    sele High School Student

    French because: since I was 6 years old I learn French and in my school we study physics,chemistry,biology,maths and geometry in French in 9th,10th,11th and12th grades and my school gives a diploma which is equivalent to a high school in France so it gives big opportunities for French collages so I'm a francophone.
  9. sele
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    sele High School Student

    Mr. Alik why do you suggest a study in my mother tongue?
    Woudn't it be more advantageous to study in a foreign language (to easily find job opportunities or conversations with customers or following the market).

    I'm confused about that.
  10. peter radclyffe
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  11. sirhenry
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    sirhenry New Member

    since you´re already able to speak french and english and turkish quite well you don´t have to learn italian now.

    my experience is that it´s never bad to know languages and you should enjoy them, don´t care about the shipbuilding background.

    if you see it economically you could start with latin (then every latin language, e.g. italian, spanish,...) is easy to learn OR you go for the future with the asian market and try to learn chinese (that´s probably going to be a longer way).

    for beeing a shipdesigner your language (where you would like to work) and english is enough.
  12. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    There have been a few discussions on bdn about the possible expansion of yachting in China as the country becomes more affluent. However, I'm not sure if we ever came to grips with the fact that many Chinese are not fond of "ocean" sports and pursuits.

    IIRC, there are a lot of yachts in China that never leave the dock or marina, but that makes their design a bit easier :)
  13. DEboater
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    DEboater Naval Architect


    I am a graduate of the University of New Orleans school of NAME. This is an EXCELLENT school that rivals michigan, webb, VT, MIT, etc. I work alongside graduates of all these schools and the naval academy and my education is comparable and in some aspects superior to these programs. You will get a solid foundation in the fundamentals of hydro/structures/motions/naval arch/marine engineering the ship design process and practical knowledge from professiors who work in industry. Also there are many local Naval Arch companies in the area so getting internships and work experience as an undergrad is easy. UNO also caters to foreign students very well in the form of great scholarships. I graduated with a guy from Turkey and we have many students from india, south america and some from the middle east. I strongly encourage you to check out their website and program and make a phone call or email to Dr. Lothar Birk.
  14. Otto100
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    Otto100 Junior Member

    Just want to inform you about the possibility for foreign students to obtain a scolarship to attend the XI edition of master in yacht design starting at the beginning of March.


    "January 20th 2012

    Yacht Design Master open day

    2 Scholarships available for Foreign Students

    We are pleased to inform you that 2 scholarships* are still available for theparticipation of foreign students in the XI Master in YachtDesign at the Politecnico di Milano that will startat the beginning of March 2012.

    We are at your disposal to provide you with all the information you could need.

    further information
    please see the master web sitewww.polidesign.net/myd
    and contact Ufficio Formazione POLI.designformazione@polidesign.net
    *Partial scholarship 50% of themaster’s value

  15. sele
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    sele High School Student

    This education program would be perfect for me since I'm interestred in naval architecture and marine engineering but I'm still a high school student and I think this program is for graduated students.
    I wonder if there's any program for all students. Because, to have more ideas about the profession I want to choose , I think, I have to experience it or see what a naval architect or a marine engineer does.
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