Volvo Penta IPS

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by TrendSetter, Dec 29, 2004.

  1. The best cabins in a big cruiser are always in the stern. I would never give that up to engines and drives. You brush the rocks in a cruiser.--- LIFE BOATS and ANCHORS AWAY.--- MAYDAY, MAYDAY, THIS IS NOT A TEST. Rich
  2. ABoatGuy
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    ABoatGuy Member


    In so much as the stringer arrangement and the ring where the pod is bolted do have to be designed for the IPS, you are correct, the boat has to be designed for the units, but any boat has to be designed for the propulsion system installation it is using. As long as the basic hull meets the Volvo criteria for deadrise etc. and the arrangement will work around the drives, they are adaptable to normal hulls. There is also a jack shaft arrangement available to put engine in a more "normal" location.

    If you get a chance run a boat with one before you judge it. They are pretty amazing. Only time will tell if it all works over the long run. Inovative if nothing else.
  3. TrendSetter
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    TrendSetter Fume Huffer

    Ow trust me I am waiting for them to show up out here in the Chesapeake to see for myself. I totally dig the system, the theory of it is good as well, and I am always a sucker to try the new thing
  4. Greg Beers
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    Greg Beers Junior Member

    i see i'm a bit late to this dance, but does anyone have an idea of the cost of the ips? on top of the in line 6 i mean!
  5. PowerTech
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    PowerTech Senior Member

    I herd the compleat drive system alone is 35,000.Thats with out the engine.
  6. Greg Beers
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    Greg Beers Junior Member

    thanks. that's about what i thought.
  7. PowerTech
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    PowerTech Senior Member

    The drive is made to snap off on impact so not to sink the boat.I know that this thing is nuts but it is for the super rich.And the rich can't get enough crazy shiet
  8. Chuck Bates
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    Chuck Bates Junior Member

    Where are you getting your info?? A local dealer I trust priced it for me. It is $2000.00 more Canadian different for the sterndrive version of the same model engine. It is certainly not just for the 'super-rich' as you suggest. There are a limited boat builders now putting them in. Four Winns, Tiara, Cruisers, Carver, Cranchi are some. I can guarantee there will be many more. If anyone is interested in this product, ask your boat dealer what the difference they would charge between the traditional system and this state-of-the-art system.

    Some advantages to keep in mind if it the IPS does cost more:

    fuel economy - a 370 hp IPS performs like a 500hp traditional
    cabin space - one more room can be added on a IPS powered boat
    exhaust - thru-drive on the IPS. Thru-hull on the traditional
    5-7 decibels quieter
    superiour handling
    etc. etc.

    As you can see, I'm sold on this unit. If I was in the market for a 38-50' boat I would definitely look at this power. The dealer I talked to drove the 41' Cranchi that's in the ads Volvo uses. He told me it felt like a 24' runabout. He said it was fun to get behind the wheel of a 'sportboat' again.
  9. PowerTech
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    PowerTech Senior Member

    I geus if it only cost 2 grand more it is because volvo is pushing the hell out of them to boat builders and just about giving them away.The price of the drive is 28,000$ exchange that is for the uper and lower sections and they are not availible seperate.I am sure the price is alot more if your old lower section is at the bottom of the sea and you cant retrive it for a core.The unit is not available by it's self new only as a package with motor.
  10. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You are saying that the package is $28,000. That's not bad. As for VolvoPenta dumping engines, that borders on libel.
  11. PowerTech
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    PowerTech Senior Member

    no the pakage is not 28'000$ the drive is that price as a replace ment for a broken one with a core thats what i meem by exchange.What i meen by giving them away is just that i am speculating that volvo is giving the manufacture a good deal to get the product sold.I would not call that dumping just smart buisness.I am only even speculating that because that dude chuck something from canada said he was told a boat with IPS cost only 2 grand more that a regular one.That could be B.S, for all i know.Or if that is true the boat buyer is geting a hell of a deal.And if that is ture someone is doing some discounting maby the boat builder is giving the boats away I dont know.All of that money will come back to some one first time the thing hits a rock.I have no knolige of any one dumping anything I am just talking motors here. the word liable makes me nervious.I am only speculating scenarios on what some dude herd in offince :)
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2005
  12. Chuck Bates
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    Chuck Bates Junior Member

    A couple of things bother me about your comments:

    - Where are you getting the figure of $35,000 for just the drive? My local dealer here told me it would be $38,000 US total for the whole propulsion package. Engine, drive and instrumentation! Mind you, who cares how much the drive costs? The insurance company would take care of the replacement of the drive if it was sheared off anyway. If I was involved in a heavy impact with either powered vessel, I'd rather be on the boat with the sheared off IPS unit. At least it's still floating!

    - As Gonzo suggests, dumping product is illegal. Since Mercury lost to Yamaha in their alleged dumping case, maybe they could go after Volvo as well.

    This product is available in new boats only. Some of which I've listed above. As I suggested, if you are interested in this product, ask one of these boat dealers what the difference would be in price between the IPS and traditional shaft power. Keep in mind you will be getting extra square footage cabin space, and state-of-the-art power with the IPS unit. There will certainly be an upcharge for these benefits.

    Instead of speculating, as you admit above, get your facts straight before you post them for the world to see.
  13. Willallison
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    Willallison Senior Member

    I think you guys are getting a little carried away here.....
    Personally, I'd be surprised if Carlwun is far off the money with his comments: OK Gonzo, so you sell Volvo's stuff - it's only natural that you'd be keen to defend their product. But giving a product a price-point that is below what you'd ultimately like to sell it for isn't exactly dumping.
    I'm on the record here for saying that I think IPS is little more than an extraordinary example of marketing-led engineering. I'm yet to see, hear, or read anything to convince me otherwise. Sure - it's more efficient than traditional shafts - but where are the figures to show that it is any more efficient than an outdrive? Why didn't Volvo spend the money on developing a bigger, more efficient leg, which doesn't fall off the minute you bump into a sand bar?
    I may be way off - I have great respect for most of Volvo's stuff - hey even their cars are getting better! :D - and if I can be convinced otherwise, I'll happily eat my words....
  14. PowerTech
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    PowerTech Senior Member

    I hate like hell that I may of siad any thing that may Imply dumping.I hardly even know what that means Exept for a distributer over stocking Tier 1 engines to sell cheaply to comerchial costomers that are not supose to get them anyway.I just know that a replacement IPS is 28'000 bucks with a core.I herd the unit is worth 35'000 but not avialible by its self. only avialible for a replacement or on the back of a new motor as a package.All that talk of mine about big buisness dealings and buying and selling is me just speculating for the sake of bull shiting.I qustion your price figures. My family buisness is a deisel sales and service center that is dealer for almost a dozen manufactuers including volvo penta diesel with rapid responce certification.2'000 bucks don't get you mutch around here but a oil change ,Impelors,some filters and a valve adjustment for 2 motors give or take Whatever other crap.I repete I know nothing about engine sales to boat builders or boat builders sales stratagies.And I dont know what a cup of coffie cost in Canada!I am not for or against IPS or anything else I could care less.I spend most of my days below sea level in a bilge I don't care what it is if I am looking at something it's because it is broken.The truth.Peace ;)And pleace don't bring up aligations of dumping or liabilities agian please I don't want my nut's in a vice.Thanks dudes lets talk motors.

  15. woodboat
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    woodboat Senior Member

    It is not unusual for repairs/replacement costs to far exceed original pricing for various reasons. As an example try building a car from the parts you buy to fix it. You will run out of money long before you build the car.
    You have a new product. That means new tooling in the factory. So you get a few builders to commit to the product and set plant capacity to match. There is little left over for replacement drives. Certainly none availble as a retrofit. If it is a hit, production will ramp up, supply chains will fill and prices will effectively drop. I say effectively because they may simply hold fast while inflation goes up. Either way in a few short years they will either be gone or easily purchased by all. Simple supply and demand at work.
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