Viking lifeboat repair/concersion

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by NZtim, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. NZtim
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    NZtim New Member

    Hi Folks, would just like to show you a photo of my old lifeboat and hopefully get a bit of info from the experienced members here. my lifeboat was built in 1951 by Viking marine in Twickenham No 5142 it 5 meters long.

    it was on the Tasman bay dredger, when that was sold the lifeboat and its twin were sold to a local nudist camp for swings (must be some good stories there!) they eventually gave them to the local scouts to sell as a fundraiser and that's how i ended up with it.

    i made a little bracket on the rudder for an outboard (no motor just came with dipping lugger sail) and used it to bring home fire wood from a local island.

    its now time to give the old girl a birthday as many of the rivets have popped their heads, i would also like to make a small cabin and possibly an internal well for the outboard but the hull repairs are the priority

    the question i would like to ask is what grade of aluminum rivets should i use and is there any type of sealant i should put on the rivet before peening?
    the hull plates are in good condition and she has never leaked but the rivets are in a shocking(and now un seaworthy condition)

    thanks in advance for any advice, tim

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  2. viking north
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    viking north VINLAND

    First choice, 3/16 dia. monel (blind)(closed end) pop rivet. Second choice in 5000 series (5052) aluminium, Third choice 316 stainless. Twirl the head in 3M 5200 or a similar product. I used an air driven rivet gun --available made in asia for about $100. - If required I can can post a photo of the Rivet and the gun. --- Geo.
    P.S. this is what I did with my 9M open aluminium life boat. I have since sold her. I used 300 of the 3/16 monel blind pop rivets in the keel shell flange to hull joint alone.

    A yacht is not defined by the vessel but by the care and love of her owner

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  3. Richard T
    Joined: Feb 2017
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    Richard T New Member

    ally lifeboat

    Hi, Just picked up on this story and wondered how it is coming along. I would like to get one of these. Is yours for sale??

  4. viking north
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    viking north VINLAND

    Richard go to "boat building" on this forum scroll to "Nancy G" lifeboat/surfboat to motorsailer conversion (might be a couple of pages back,) read thru the build and e mail me thru the "private message" section on this forum. If you have problems , repost on this thread and i will guide you thru the process. ---Tnx. Geo.
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