Very new to boatbuilding, have some questions!

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by Joey Bergeron, Jul 1, 2020.

  1. Rumars
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    Rumars Senior Member

    You do have to apply regular antifouling.
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  2. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Good luck getting it to stick to wet wood.
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  3. Rumars
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Of course it sticks, do you think the wood stays dry when in use underwater? Building with wet wood was normal back in the day, nobody waited years for big timbers to dry.

    But maybe we have a terminology problem here, for me green wood is at 100% moisture content, wet wood is 20-60%, dry is under 20%. Green is for steam bending and steaming drys the wood out. 40-50% is perfectly acceptable for traditional construction.
    Joey Bergeron likes this.
  4. gonzo
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  5. Joey Bergeron
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    Joey Bergeron Junior Member

    Those are very interesting comments. In any case, the very first boat I'll build will more be a test than other thing. I do not think I'll have it dried at 100%, but if I ever try to do something bigger, I will certainly follow these advices and dry my wood before building ;)

  6. Pericles
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