V8 Diesels, remove 2 and run on 6 cylinders

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by markstrimaran, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. markstrimaran
    Joined: Dec 2014
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    markstrimaran Senior Member

    Seen this piston drop out on 12 cylinders big ship engines, know it will work on 6-71, Detroit. Easy with access panel.
    Thinking about a 6.5 Detroit, pull oil pan, loose two bad piston, with water damaged rings. Route injectors back to tank, pull push rods.
    Any ideas?
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    A problem that comes to mind is the firing will be uneven around the 360*, presumably, will that increase vibrations ?
  3. markstrimaran
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    markstrimaran Senior Member

    I agree it will be out of balance a bit.
  4. markstrimaran
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    markstrimaran Senior Member

    I think it would work, and the engine would run a long time.
  5. Phil Christieso
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    Phil Christieso Junior Member

    Don't forget the hose clamps and strips of rubber around the crank shaft so as to maintain oil pressure. I have done this to an engine it ran for many hours.
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  6. Lepke
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    Lepke Junior Member

    The engine will vibrate more. I would keep the rpms down and not long term. The crank isn't designed for imbalance. The missing cylinders are normally powering cycles in other cylinders.
    I did this on a 6 cylinder Enterprise. It ran with more vibration, but was only for a few hours. In Vietnam I ran a 671 for about a half hour that had taken a direct hit from an anti tank round. It didn't run good, but it got us home. Low air box pressure. Only did about 1000 rpm.
    markstrimaran likes this.
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