Usefulness of Fein Multimaster or similar tool?

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by gt05254, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    It made you Hungary?

    Was the sausage man outside. Thats were I got my pipes from!!!.

    If you go back for another sausage see how much is the saw blade.
  2. gt05254
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    gt05254 Junior Member

    The model I've purchased is a corded model, not battery operated. In my work, I have 3 battery operated driver/drills going all the time, with one battery in the drill and one in the charger at all times. Only way to go with battery operated equipment. Didn't want battery operated for this unit.
  3. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Frosty, newish pro models have cord.
  4. Northman
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    Northman Junior Member

    To the OP: All I can say is when you have used it for a while you can't imagine anymore how you ever survived without one!

    Teddy, I just bought a new blade for my Fein and paid an arm and a leg. I have never seen an adapter for Bosch blades or others. Can you post a picture? I would very much like to see what this looks like.
  5. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

  6. midnitmike
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    midnitmike Senior Member

    Sort of reminds me of the first time I used a recipsaw. It didn't take too long before it became an indispensable part in my tool arsenal. The Multimaster isn't without it's limitations though, so like most things it has a time and place on the job site.

  7. Northman
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    Northman Junior Member

    Teddy: thanks a lot! That is going to pay for itself in no time!
  8. gt05254
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    gt05254 Junior Member

    Received my Bosch today...haven't used it yet but it is one well-built tool.
  9. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    I too have used the Fein for 15-20 years, im on my second one, the current one is still an early model so it doesnt have the little detents in the blade so you really have to crank on the screw but i can use cheaper blades on it without an adapter, i really hate Fein as a company and will never buy another of their tools. I bought a cheapo from Harbor Freight when i was out of town on a job and forgot to take the Fein and the thing works every bit as well. The HF blades work on my old model Fein. I use mine almost exclusivly for cutting rather than sanding and find it does better cutting hard materials like fiberglass skins than soft materials like wood.
  10. keith66
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    keith66 Senior Member

    I had a fein multimaster, very useful tool. However it never did get used that much but blew its capacitator, i bought a new spare part from Fein & that one lasted about half an hours running.
    My father had the same machine so he gave me that one as he didnt use it any more & that one blew up in the same way, with a feeling of Deja vu i bought the same part & guess what that one blew up as well except second time round it gave me a fair old electric shock. Both machines had not seen a huge amount of service & were well looked after. Now if i buy a cheapo chinese sander i expect it to blow up after a short while. I expect expensive tools like fein to last.
    I wont be buying another.

  11. 805gregg
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    805gregg Junior Member

    I bought a HF similar tool for $24 I love it, since it just vibrates why pay for Fein.
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