Unknown boat design

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Leela Belle, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Leela Belle
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    Leela Belle Junior Member

    Hi all,
    I purchased recently a new (old) ketch and am hoping that some one will be able to help me determine its design name. I have searched the net and the closest make is an O'day 32 ketch.
    Any help in confirming this would be greatly appreciated.
    P.S this ketch was build with steel and is not a production vessel.

    Cheers Jerome
  2. pdwiley
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    pdwiley Senior Member

    Sorry, my crystal ball is cloudy tonight.

    IOW, unless you post some pictures, nobody is going to know what you're talking about.

    That was the boat for sale down the Arthur Peninsula, right?

  3. Leela Belle
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    Leela Belle Junior Member

    Thanks PDW, I'm new and a little unsure how to attach pics to my threads. I have uploaded a pic now and I hope it it will be displayed.
    Thanks for your intrest.
    Also you're right, it is the ketch that that was down at Port Arthur.

    Cheer4s Jerome

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  4. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Hi Jerome,

    I'm thinking it "might" be a John Pugh designed "Moonwind" although the sheer at the bow & the line of the aft cabin look a bit different- many of these old steelies were built by "ametures" but often quite well in the backyard & some licence/personal interpretation included.
    The plans used to be offered by "Build a Boat" plan company at Brookvale(?).
    Not saying it is one but fits the length/style/country, also that company had many similar & marketed through magazines full of options in the local news agent.

  5. Leela Belle
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    Leela Belle Junior Member

    Hi Jeff,

    I had a quick look at some John Pugh designs and agree at the similarities of my boat and the Pugh designs. Thank you for your help and I will make some more inquires. My boat was defiantly built in a back yard, and like most built very well as this appears to have been.

    Thanks once again

  6. pdwiley
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    pdwiley Senior Member

    I thought it was a Pugh design as well, when I saw it listed on Gumtree. The crappy pictures on that site made it hard to determine much at all, however.

    I've been on a couple of the Pugh designs in the 30+ foot range. Pretty simple single chine hulls that seem to serve their owners well, so unless there's some major defects lurking, you'll likely have a sound vessel. Good luck with it.

    There's a few of us over near Kettering if you're relocating your boat.

  7. Leela Belle
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    Leela Belle Junior Member

    Yes your right PWD, the pic's that were on gumtree weren't the best but I have to say this boat appears as strong as an ox. Its been left unattended for a while and will need a little TLC but she will look good again once I relocate her nearer to me. Its good to know that there are more similar vessels of her design. Thanks for your contribution, it's much appreciated.


  8. bobrob
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    bobrob New Member

    Previous owner of this Moonwind 32

    Hi there Jerome,
    I'd be most pleased to make contact and tell you a lot of the history of this boats construction and development from 1980 to 2000. For fellow forum members questions welcome too.
    This John Pugh designed boat was constructed by Peter John Barron on land at the back of Mona Vale a beach side suburb on the north of Sydney Australia. He was a bass guitarist in a rock band building completely by himself surrounded by other self builders in a large vacant lot which later became industrial site. John Pugh sold his design to the "Build a boat plans Co." of 5 Anderson Street, Chatswood, N S W 2069 Australia. The Moonwind 32 was plan #9 in sloop or ketch configuration. Peter chose the poop deck alternative and to make the bow a more classical clipper shape with a 3 ft long bowsprit of two steel angle iron crossed centre and forward by flat steel. It had a chain to the forefoot.
    She was named Huey after the surfing "wind God" - the call of the surfers then was "bring her down Huey" for more wind and bigger waves. She started life white, then with pale green topsides and a golden deck. I used a much darker green but kept the golden yellow. I renamed her Ruah, Hebrew for the breath of God, thinking to change the nature not the name, heh-heh.
    The poop deck has immensely strong davits which also support the twin mizzen back stays and makes the length overall 40 ft but for harbour dues I always called her a Moonwind 32.
    I later added two opening ports to the transom and also mounted a fold-up boarding platform. The monocoque steel construction meant that I could safely cut out the heavy fore and aft steel bulkheads of the engine room and replace with plywood removeable panels for very easy access. An extra mizzen stay sail was hoisted to the mizzen mast top and tacked to the main mast halyard winch and the clew belayed by the davit end. She often sailed over 7knots.
    In fact Peter ran her aground of the Great Barrier Reef all standing at full speed and only 3 days later noticed the water in one of the integral hull tanks was going off. The steam pipe welded into the stem was cracked but an easily welded repair.
    Her home port was Pittwater, off the Hawsker River, 10 miles north of Sydney. The posh yacht club there was the RPAYC, Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club, so Peter put his own abbreviation for his fictitious club on the transom - Upper Pittwater Yachting Association, and delighted in sailing through the RPAYC races.
    Cheers to all, Rob
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  9. Leela Belle
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    Leela Belle Junior Member

    Hi Rob,
    Wow, you can't imagine my surprise when I read your post. I can't thank you enough for all this information. To follow on from you, I understand Leela Belle as she is known now was purchased I think in either 2008 or 2009 by a gentleman who lived just outside of Hobart on a cherry farm. He bought and then had her brought down to Campania just outside of Hobart. He must have spent some time doing things to her which included putting in a new motor (Lomatec) which was not the best choice. I am now in the process of having a new motor installed at present as we speak so to say. The new motor is a Vetus M4 35. My partner and I purchased her only a year ago and really like the feel that she gives. The guy who bought her also painted her the colour you see in the picture. I have added my own twist by largely keeping it the same although I have change the boot line to white and also the sides of the aft cabin have been painted white from deck height. I would very much like to hear more about her prior to her move to Tasmania and discus other aspects of her that we are finding out. My phone number is 0417534376 if you would like to give me a call.

    Kindest regards

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  10. bobrob
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    bobrob New Member

  11. Leela Belle
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    Leela Belle Junior Member

    Hi Rob,
    I have sent you an email but have not heard from you.
    Just trying to make sure it got to you. If not my email address is jerome.jefferson@bigpond.com\



  12. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    How awesome is the connection,

    I grew up with steel boatbuilding right there in the backyard & had the use of my Dads Pugh 36' "Saraband" from 16, was a great education & heaps of fun.
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