Unknown aluminum boat

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Fionn McWilliam, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Fionn McWilliam
    Joined: Jan 2024
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    Fionn McWilliam New Member

    When I was 15, I purchased an aluminum boat with a "For Sale" sign that claimed it was a 1972 StarCraft aluminum boat measuring 13 feet 11 inches. However, I have doubts about its true identity. Now, I'm facing a dilemma because I've misplaced the bill of sale and the title for the boat. Additionally, the transom of the boat has been replaced, and I can't locate the HIN (Hull Identification Number). Does anyone have any insights into the possible make of this boat or an alternative location where the HIN might be found? Furthermore, I'm unsure where to locate the registration number on the trailer.

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  2. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    I’d just let the new owner worry about that, and knock off a hundred if he gripes about it.
    It can be a lot of work to track down, and when you do, you may find yourself liable for some back taxes.
    I’ve registered unidentified skiffs as “home built” without too much hassle.
    Will Gilmore and bajansailor like this.
  3. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    If it was a 72 it probably didn't have an HIN, because they didn't start putting them on until the 73 model year. If it had one, replacing the transom wiped it out because that was where the HIN would have been. Just register it and the state will issue an HIN for it.
  4. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Looked up Starcraft on Fiberglassics (yes they have aluminum boats in their library) File:Mercbhb69-76-2.jpg - Classic Boat Library https://www.fiberglassics.com/library/index.php?title=File:Mercbhb69-76-2.jpg
    Looks a lot like the boat in 1969. Couldn't find that exact size but then, manufacturers change their models from year to year. I was surprised by the Outboard Boating Club capacity label. Usually they had the brand name on the label. The full library on Starcraft is at Starcraft - Classic Boat Library https://www.fiberglassics.com/library/index.php?title=Starcraft

  5. Fionn McWilliam
    Joined: Jan 2024
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    Fionn McWilliam New Member

    what the ****
    thanks so much!!
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