UHMWPE spectra / dyneema cloth

Discussion in 'Materials' started by ryanonthebeach, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. ryanonthebeach
    Joined: Mar 2007
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    ryanonthebeach Junior Member

    Has anyone worked with UHMWPE Cloth (or hybrid with carbon/Kevlar) as a substitute for Kevlar or otherwise, in a composite laminate?
    Interested in potential applications for this.
    Apparently there are issues with resin adhering to the UHMWPE fiber but looks like there are a number of military applications where they have got this right for armor ...
  2. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Beware that the temperature capabilities are low for Spectra, etc.
    Might not matter.
  3. ryanonthebeach
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    ryanonthebeach Junior Member

    Thanks, will keep that in mind
  4. heikki
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    heikki Junior Member

    Spectra has really poor bond to resins. In armor use that can be an advantage as fibers are able to slide inside the matrix dividing impact energy to larger area. In other uses that kind of action is not a sign of good laminate.
  5. dinoa
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    dinoa Senior Member

    UHMWPE cloths are corona treated when used in laminates. They have been used by some sailplane manufacturers for pilot protection in forward fuselages. Resin matrix is epoxy.

  6. brian eiland
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    brian eiland Senior Member

    I don't know of many (if any) resins that truly bond to polyethylene or polypropylene. ??

    Heat fusing to other materials has seen some success, but that is basically a mechanical bond.
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