Trying to ID a 15ft fishing boat

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Padmack, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Padmack
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    Padmack Junior Member


    Im desperately trying to identify my boat.

    The hull is simulated clinker fibreglass and I believe the boat to be perhaps 30years old. I cannot find any hull number plate or makers mark anywhere.

    I have trawled the net looking for any pics of other boats of the same design but cannot find any. The 5hp Yamaha outboard I got with it is about 30yrs old leading me to date the boat to this vintage. The previous owner had no clue.

    I suspect it is of European design given its location and the cover was made in Wales so i dont know if that is any clue to its makers.

    If anyone recognies the hull profile or even knows the manufacturer name then please let me know.

    I look forward to getting any leads.


  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Desperate ? What is the prize for you in being able to pin a name on it ?
  3. Padmack
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    Padmack Junior Member

    My undying respect and gratitude
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I seem to remeber a very similar boat on this site recently.
  5. Padmack
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    Padmack Junior Member

    This is good news. I have searched the forum for relavant searches but I have not drawn any favorable results.

    Could you point me in the direction of any particular relevant thread that I could go through in case I chance across the post you were referring to?

    Much obliged

  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Unfortunately I can't but it was the same kind of thing, fibreglass clinker displacement.

  7. Padmack
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    Padmack Junior Member

    I forgot to mention there is no HIN anywhere that I can find.

    Is this normal for a boat in UK or Ireland? I know is old but surely not THAT old to have been built before numbers were added to hulls?

    I must add I have not found even a mark where a plate might have been or painted over. To not even find one and have no idea of a manufacturer is puzzling to me. It may be a storm in a tea cup but I would like to know what it is instead of referring to it as "the boat".
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