Trying to eliminate the use of anti-fouling paints

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Cmw505, Jul 26, 2019.

  1. Cmw505
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    Cmw505 Junior Member

    is there any other kinds of coatings i can use i would really rather not use anti-fouling paint as i'm trying to avoid the use of biocides in her bottom coating.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    How much maintenance are you willing to put into it?
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  3. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    what is the hull material and where are you using the boat.
    Sometimes the cure is worse than the problem.
  4. Cmw505
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    Cmw505 Junior Member

    we'll she's not exactly built yet...but she'll have a wooden hull and my main concern is teredo worms and maintenance is not an issue i do intend to visit certain places and i'd rather go with something that won't leach biocide into the water.
  5. KeithO
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    KeithO Senior Member

    Go to about 7 min into the video. He shows how much crap is hanging onto his boat after 47 days into the pacific.
    How to interpret this situation ? We dont know how clean the bottom was when he transited the Panama Canal. We dont know when last the bottom was scraped properly and given a coat of anti foul. He appears to be incapable of going over the side to scrape it himself, part of that may be because he doesnt have a proper boarding ladder or way to secure himself.

    There is always copper and on a wooden boat with developable lines you may be able to secure copper sheet to the area below the waterline. That should be quite durable, so long as it stays attached.
  6. Cmw505
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  7. Cmw505
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    Cmw505 Junior Member

    well maintenance isn't a problem i figured i'd be suiting up and scraping off foul every week during my journy but hey i expected that and swimm'in ain't bad so. My only problem with my current design is wood and teredo worms don't mix i'm trying to find a way to keep'em off without anti-fouling paints
  8. KeithO
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    KeithO Senior Member

    A couple of layers of glass cloth and epoxy to 12" above the waterline should take care or worm on the outside.
  9. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    Check the A/F paints out and see how 'bad' they are with the EPA. Cleaning the bottom each time might be fine but if you miss something you could be capable of transporting some invasive species.
  10. Cmw505
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    Cmw505 Junior Member

    Noted Clean thoroughly and Take personal responsibility.
  11. Cmw505
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    Cmw505 Junior Member

    Thank you keith i will definitely look into this method.
  12. JSL
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    The fiberglass won’t stop growth
  13. KeithO
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    KeithO Senior Member

    Only has to stop worms penetrating the wood.
  14. Cmw505
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    Cmw505 Junior Member


  15. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    A plank on frame hull can be sheeted over with copper, or better yet with Monel. It is not a difficult job, but slow. It will last for many years with proper anodic protection. With modern electrical loads there are stray currents that did not exist a century ago, so protection is a must.
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