Trolling motor placement help

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by ThrottleBack, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. ThrottleBack
    Joined: Jun 2013
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    ThrottleBack Junior Member

    I cannot mount my trolling motor near my outboard because there is no room. Right now there is no other location to mount it really so I am looking for suggestions.

    I don't really care where it mounts as long as it can be raised up or folded and be out of the way both when fishing and when towing.

    Thoughts? Right now all I can think is to side mouint it by the front somehow and keep it raised up.

  2. ThrottleBack
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    ThrottleBack Junior Member

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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    IN FL many boats mount the trolling motor on the bow ,

    tho on a side also works and may be easier to get to.
  4. ThrottleBack
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    ThrottleBack Junior Member

    I used blocks (just put in place i'm not drilling like he did) to put it on the side as far forward as i could. I'm not even sure how i could mount it to the bow
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    I'm not even sure how i could mount it to the bow

    Sailboats have great robust mounts that lift , would be overkill for an electric motor , but you should be able to find a used item.

  6. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    A bow mount for a trolling motor will work on the aft end of a boat too.

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