Trailerable houseboat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by VadimGo, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    You can get everything you stated in a 24' x 8'with full bath and kitchen.
  2. VadimGo
    Joined: Aug 2006
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    VadimGo Junior Member

    that one is nice too. Full of options and start at 120 000 $AU.
    Guess, if I stick to what I am trained for, should be able to pay for one in a year...but (life is too short to work for $$)
    I just decided to take it easy, and try to build one myself...
    Unfortunately, I do not trust my abilities in boat design, so would have to relay on more qualified folks.
  3. VadimGo
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    VadimGo Junior Member

    Kw per hull, would that be close to 10 HP in gasoline?
    I am thinking about one 9.9 Yamaha (2-stroke, simple and reliable) that I have stored in my shed. The downside is, no el. start, no battery charging... but the price is right.
    I am however still contemplating merits of lowering the ceiling (or, should I call it upper deck?).
    As I am the tallest in my household at 1.6, Bernd's;s 1.9 headroom is a bit wasted. So, theoretically, I could both drop the center of gravity and reduce the windage and for sure will hurt the resale value (which is low anyway as it is a homebuild).
  4. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    A 9.9 hp with a barge prop is all you need and better still if it could be a four stroke to keep noise down and no oil.
    The movie I made on lake Waikaramona shows a 4 ton load powered with one 15 HP four stroke Johnson, when no load I used both 15hp out boards which speed along at 25mph.
    You can see another one of my landing barge designs next to the Myark folding trailer barge with a RV camper on top that this landing bare has plug in torsions suspensions which the barge hull is actually the trailer cutting towing weight down and trailer cost, also can launch on beaches or remote areas with no boat ramps available and floats in a couple inches of water.
    That desigh has two 25 hp out boards and does 30mph and would make a good base for trailer camper boat as its torsions allow close to the ground, also easy to walk of and onto a beach front.
    I have attached a picture of the lake that the movie was made with my dog and I.

    Attached Files:

  5. sailhand
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    sailhand Senior Member

    for a trailerable design with a bit more seaworthiness try a jarcat style boat with dory hulls with all the living areas downstairs and you get a much lower centre of gravity with less windage. you also get a much lower trailering height and more headroom in the hulls for a given overall height. for privacy you can also have accommodation in separate hulls. all this and the catamaran hullform is much more easily driven than a barge type hull, also as the boat is lower you can make better use of the cabin top for lounging in the sun or watching the sunset, a much more useful boat in rougher waters.

  6. myark
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    myark Senior Member

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