To Wish (bone) or Not.

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by BobBill, Dec 12, 2020.

  1. BobBill
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Location: Minnesotan wakes up daily, in SE MN, a good start,

    BobBill Senior Member

    As some of you know, four years ago I crafted a Malibu Outrigger (tacking outrigger or tacking proa, as some might suggest) using cast off Hobiecat hulls, 19, 16 and butt-split surfer spars; plus Harken and more decent items, including hook and loop luff...

    Also recall, my naive original plan was to have the stubby mast unstayed as in the original MO. And, as advised here by Parr and a few others whose wisdom I respect,

    I had to add stays to the stubby mast, as the H-19 hull would not take the leverage etc. The gaff or long/luff spar is 2o'...sail is 200 sf. no battens (simple) including generous luff or "bag, boom is near 16". No jacks, yet! Sail spar down still drags in water.

    Standing rigging, I learned, not easy to do, but boat is a wonder on water, (dog loves his own) and moves well. But, great pressure on SS "goose neck" connections. Amazing really.

    Still, besides changing the outrigger from the Hobiecat-16 hull to asymmetrical shape, using 2" pink or blue closed cell ESP foam, Gorilla glue and epoxy glass finish.

    And now, wondering if a wishbone might be used, (was original idea...but forgot) and tis winter here...


    Wishy boom might be goofy, especially with stayed stubby...below is street pics, if I can find it, with spars up?

    Lots o pressure involved...and, too, maybe my idea is just itch to do...? Guess, I cannot sit still-winter in MN.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020
  2. tspeer
    Joined: Feb 2002
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    tspeer Senior Member

    It looks to me like the wishbone boom would require far less tension to control twist.

    A big question would be whether to attach the boom to the long mast/gaff, or the stub mast. If you choose the latter, as indicated in the sketch, then the gaff halyard will control the draft of the sail, but the rake will be fixed by the boom. Tensioning the gaff halyard will simultaneously flatten the sail and reduce the twist. Attaching the boom to the gaff would allow the gaff halyard to operate much as it does now, but you won't be able to collapse the sail without releasing the boom from the gaff. The sail would be flattened with the snotter to between the boom and gaff.
  3. BobBill
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Location: Minnesotan wakes up daily, in SE MN, a good start,

    BobBill Senior Member

    Tom, I agree. I am still thinking on its worth. The gaff or upper spar is half 100% carbon and spills puffs nicely and all I have to do to flatten is yank the sheet - pure luck on my part. My dilemma is, I think, really only the lack of lazy jack to keep the sail dry, when the spar is lowered and putting in to beach or ramp. The current Seaman designed SS goose-neck arrangement is simple and strong. And maybe me urge is just game change, and simple is best as always? And thanks, your observations are as always valued and with the stays on rig, which make it all so strong and work so well. I learn lots.

    Robert H
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