Thomas Coville to attempt solo multihull Transmed record

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Captain Tom and his magnificent yacht training and stress-testing whilst waiting for the right Mistral conditions for an attempt on the solo multihull record between Marseille and Carthage (Tunisia). Sodebo will leave Marseille tomorrow (Wednesday)for the 458 miles long Transmed route which heading towards Carthage, keeping Corsica and Sardinia on port.This record attempt will be swiftly followed by another the indomitable Thomas knows well, Cadiz (Spain) - San Salvador (Bahamas). Having held this record from 2005-2008 he would like to reclaim it from Francis Joyon before the end of 2012.

    Transmed Records:
    Multihull Record fully-crewed : 14 hours 20 minutes and 34 seconds (May 2010)
    Multihull Record holder: Pascal Bidégorry (France) sailing Banque Populaire V
    Monohull Record singlehanded: 1 day 21 hours 20 minutes and 29 seconds (June 2009)
    Monohull Record Holder: Kito de Pavant (France) sailing Groupe Bel

    Article from Christopher Launay
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2012
  2. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  3. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Thomas Coville has set a new record for the Marseille - Carthage route (The previous multihull record was for a crewed crossing set by Pascal Bidegorry on BPV.
    here is the rough google translation.

    Photo Gilles Martin-Raget/Sodebo

    Crossing at 16h 25 '12 "(French time) the line to the lighthouse of Carthage in Tunisia, after crossing 1d 1h 36mn 36 sec navigation, the skipper of Sodebo just set the first time the reference Mediterranean and multihull solo from Marseille.

    Already a record holder in this category over the North Atlantic (New York Lizard), Thomas Coville his name in the crossing of the Mediterranean with an average speed of 17.62 knots (33 km / h) on the road directly. The actual distance is 538 miles, which corresponds to an average speed of 20.98 knots (39 km / h). Establish a reference time requires a boat built for this kind of performance, it is the case of the trimaran Sodebo. It should also be bold and Thomas does not lack. As explained before his departure, "what kind of exercise is rarely attempted because quite dangerous. " And then you have the patience to wait for the window able to take the boat and its skipper as soon as possible on the other side. This time, the stand-by team Sodebo was exceptionally short because Thomas lunged after only four days of waiting. By analyzing the grib files earlier this week, the skipper decided to leave on Wednesday to slip just before this shot mistral that accompanied the trimaran into the Bay of Tunis. Sailor expressed his pleasure at having taken this opportunity that represents for him a drive size and so committed to reconnect with the multihull and lonely after a victorious year monohull crew with Franck Cammas (Groupama 4) on the Volvo Ocean Race. skipper's reaction a few minutes after have cut the finish line in Tunisia: '' The Mediterranean is always more difficult than you would expect. Routings theoretical gave 20 to 22 hours. I crossed in 25 hours, which seems simple, but this route is full of traps. Among the major difficulties, avoid capsizing and that night there were all the ingredients to hit the water in the middle Mediterranean. Sea is very choppy as the wind. It may surprise and topple the boat forward. I had a little room but it was still very hot twice. Besides my rudder problem that made ​​me slow (see previous news) , I think to save time, you must fully negotiate the release Marseille aiming as we did a top starting too early or too late, to keep a sea handy. Then, we must manage the transition in Sardinia where I was taken in several squalls that do not see the routing. And finally, I also took in a good grain arriving at Carthage. My next goal will not improve the lap time but we attack this fall with Sodebo the transatlantic between Cadiz (Spain) and San Salvador (Bahamas ) on the Discovery Route of Columbus. Here, I'll take a nap. We will turn around with my two teammates who joined me and go to Marseille. It looks a little jump-sheep on the waves, because it's like skiing, once down, he must go! We arrive on Saturday or Sunday I think. " Records current sailing on the route Marseille-Carthage:

 > In multihull solo (in attentent validation WSSRC) Sodebo (Thomas Coville) September 13, 2012 in 1d 1h 36 '36 ''
 > In multihull crew: Banque Populaire V (Pascal Bidégorry) in May 2010: 14h 20 '34''
 > In single-handed monohull: Groupe Bel (Kito de Pavant) in June 2009: 1d 21h 20 '29''
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