The September 2011 issue of Westlawn Institute's free online journal is now posted

Discussion in 'Education' started by dgerr, Sep 24, 2011.

  1. dgerr
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    dgerr Senior Member

    The September 2011 issue of Westlawn Institute's free online journal, The Masthead, is now posted.

    Highlights in this edition:
    • Persak & Wurmfeld - Lessons Learned Managing the 281-ft. Cakewalk V
    • Ivan Erdevicki Naval Architecture Designing 129-ft. Burger
    • Did You Know "Cabotage"
    • Message from the ABYC President
    • Splashes
    • Know It All Question & Answer
    • Maine Meet 2011
    • We Get Mail
    • ABYC Tech Notes - ABYC H-5 Load Capacity
    • News & Views
    • 12 Volts vs. 24 Volts
    • The Proper Bootstripe
    • The Scow Schooner Lily
    • Adventures of a Young Naval Architect
    • METS & IBEX 2011
    • Training Links & Events
    • Masthead Archives
    • Westlawn Information


    Persak & Wurmfeld Manage Construction of the 281-Foot Cakewalk V
    By Carl Persak
    M/Y CAKEWALK V, the largest private yacht launched from a U.S. yard since 1930, was certainly no "cakewalk" to build. Getting this one-of-a-kind beauty from concept to launch involved numerous premier designers and engineers from around the world. Westlawn alumnus Jeremy Wurmfeld and design partner Carl Persak of Persak & Wurmfeld (P&W) recall their experiences as Project Engineer during the final year of the build, and recollect on some lessons learned during the monumental delivery . . .

    Ivan Erdevicki Designing a 129-Footer for Burger
    Burger Boat Company, in association with Ivan Erdevicki Naval Architecture & Yacht Design has announced the newly conceived contemporary style 40m raised pilothouse motor yacht design for the ever-expanding world market. The design includes features often found only on much larger yachts.

    Understanding ABYC H-5 Boat Load Capacity
    An analysis of boats and their respective maximum persons capacities was conducted taking into consideration the factors discussed above. The result was a straight-line graph, which converted a boat's persons capacity in pounds to a persons capacity in whole numbers of persons.

    12-Volt versus 24-Volt Electrical Systems
    By Steve D'Antonio
    Now that the reader understands the concept of voltage drop and related cable sizing issues, let's make a leap to the next electrical level; 24 volts. The previously mentioned 12-volt, 10 amp bilge pump is now transformed to a 24 volt pump operating on a vessel equipped with a 24 volt electrical system. Without getting too technical, Ohm's Law, the guiding force that dictates much of what marine and land-bound electricians do, tells us that a pump, or any other device, that draws 10 amps at 12 volts will draw just 5 amps at 24 volts; double the voltage, half the amperage, it's that simple.

    Read the complete articles in this issue.
    Go to:

    New issues of The Masthead are in Internet flipping-book format, with control icons are located on the bar at the bottom of the screen. If you prefer to read it in standard PDF format, go to the new flipping-book format and click on the download button on the bottom gray bar.

    To read The Masthead in the PDF format, you must have a current version of ADOBE ACROBAT READER. If you don't have it go to:

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    To see all back issues and read whichever one you like.

    Dave Gerr
    Director, Westlawn Institute
  2. peter radclyffe
    Joined: Mar 2009
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    thank you
  3. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    What a nice surprise I've found in that issue of WL journal - the story about Ivan Erdevicki! :)
    As soon as I've read his name, a river of memories started to flow...

    We have both lived and were brought up in Herceg Novi - a small (and very beautiful) town in Montenegro - but with sufficient age difference (he is several years older than me) to make him become the guy who would pave the way for many other talented youngsters over the next few generations. Our country was called Yugoslavia then, a socialist state with disastered economy but with a generation of highly educated and ambitious people growing up throughout the 80's. Their ambitions couldn't be neither bounded by nor fulfilled in a relatively poor country like Yugoslavia was then. Many of them have dreamt about going abroad. American Dream still had a meaning and a strong appeal back in those years.

    Ivan was one of the first to leave towards US, and the stories started to arrive back into the town about this guy who has studied Naval Architecture and was an outstanding student and a perspective ship designer. It was a small town and everyone knew everyone else, kids included. If one was not in the swimming or waterpolo team then he was in the sailing team for sure (only the water counted ;) ). So it was easy to get to know, or at least to hear about, all the other kids.

    And, of course, we have all heard about Ivan.

    I was attending the last year of the high school and had to start thinking about what to do next. I had a boat designed on nearly every page of my notebooks, no matter if it was for annotations from math or biology classes. So if it was up to me the choice would have been straightforward - naval architecture.

    But then, like in every good movie, a disgrace... A civil war broke out in Yugoslavia and all of a sudden the rules of the game have changed. The conscription for military service (which meant - going into war) was a matter of time so I've had to go away, and had to do it quickly. I've decided to go to Italy and have applied for a student visa. The italian rules were saying: you can pick 3 universities, and we will choose where to send you, depending on the availabilty. Of course, I have picked the only two universities on the list which were offering a naval architecture course, plus an aerospace engineering course as a remaining choice. Guess where they have sent me... :eek:

    Oh well, I've gone pretty much off-topic now. Anyways, I have managed to get back on nautical track again, and if I have arrived to do the job I'm doing now a certain part of merits goes also to an unaware Ivan Erdevicki. :) He probably never knew how big motivation the story of his personal success (as a student then, and later as a yacht designer) was for us - the ambitious college kids from "skver" (old city boatyard - the fulcrum of everything then) in Herceg Novi.

    I am really happy to learn that all of his efforts have been properly rewarded and that he is undertaking projects of this size. Good luck Ivan and all the best for your future projects! :)
  4. liki
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    liki Senior Member

  5. dgerr
    Joined: Jul 2004
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    dgerr Senior Member

    The Westlawn sever is undergoing upgrades (Sept. 28, 2011). Will be back on line in 24 to 36 hours.

    Dave Gerr, Director
    Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology
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