The Revolution takes another step: the Mini POGO Flies!

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Doug Lord, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    From Voiles et Voiliers:

    This 3D image is not the first on which we see a mini fly. But this mini is already turning all heads.
    It is a Pogo but a prototype Pogo (the mini series are not yet entitled to foils). And it is due to the design of Guillaume Verdier, the architect of Pogo 3 who is also a prominent member of the design team of the winner of the last America's Cup, Team New Zealand. It's already very promising.
    Add to that that the design office Structures site, Erwan Tymen is in charge of the file. And that the boat would be promised to a certain Tanguy Bouroullec who finished 4th in series during the last Mini-Transat (aboard a Pogo3 necessarily).
    We say that it should work even if another Bouroullec, Chrisitian, the boss of the shipyard is cautious: "We must first succeed in flying but above all see if we will fly enough. We made the choice of a boat that uses the foils not only to gain power but to fully extract the hull from the water. Then it is not said that the game is worthwhile on a crossing of the Atlantic.
    Why then start building a proto while the Pogo 3 outrageously dominates all the events in the series category? "We want to stay in the loop," says the Combrit-based manufacturer, "and then it's always interesting to work on new materials and processes. Today our series minis are built as were the Class40 10 years ago, the work we are going to do on this carbon proto will probably serve tomorrow on other boats. "
    Loïc Madeline.

    Mini on foils--Pogo voilles et voiliers.jpg
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  2. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Thanks Doug for this news. The 3D image is (willingly) enigmatic concerning the foils design but that looks like a mini AC75 one ? Interesting to follow, and quite challenging the combination full flying and single handling. At first, should be a proto for learning by testing at a low cost.
  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    What really struck me was Guillaume Verdier's involvement. Bound to be extremely innovative.... Can't wait to see the foils!
  4. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Doug, here are the first pictures of the foils (AC75 like ones) during the launch June 5 :
    Mise à l'eau du Pogo Foiler - Course au Large
    Named Cerfrance, skipper Tanguy Bouroullec, she finished 3rd at its first race ( the mini Fastnet) despite the break of a piece in the starboard rudder which prevented to use it during most of the race. Will participate to the next Mini transat in September.
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  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Not as much RM as with the IMOCA foils but it will be interesting to see how she does-thanks!
  6. Dolfiman
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  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    The video seems to show mostly foil assist. But she will fly 100%.....
  8. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    She is now ... flying 100% , with promising peak speed (20 Knots) but seems not yet very stable in trim. Wait and see during the next Mini transat starting soon.
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  12. Dolfiman
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  13. Dolfiman
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  14. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Cerfrance/Tanguy Bouroullec is now second and closer (5,9 NM) to the leader Team BFR / Francois Jambou. It is interesting to note that the 3 leaders are representative of the three current trends designs :
    ** Team BFR is actually the scow Maximum / design David Raison, winner last year with Ian Lipinsky, so the reference boat.
    ** Cerfrance is the Pogo foiler / design Guillaume Verdier, subject of this thread
    ** Project Rescue Océan is the new Marc Lombard design, a Mini version of his successful Lift 40 (winner of the RdR in class 40), i.e. with a rounded bow with a spalutage of the fore keel line, but not a full scow as David Raison design
    Photo of Project Rescue Ocean /Axel Trehin : Mini-Transat. Les favoris au rendez-vous, Tréhin en tête - Course au Large
    Tracking : Cartographie | Mini-Transat La Boulangère
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  15. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Team BFR / Francois Jambou created last night a strong lead re. his followers Project Rescue Ocean (at 35 NM) and Cerfrance (at 42 NM). To note the great performance of Marie Gendron 4th at 44 NM : she built herself the hull in carbon fiber within the frame of a students project within the IUT of Nantes (a Technology University of which she is graduated), it is a Verdier design 2012 with a classic bow, and the boat was finished with the help of another well known architect of Mini, Étienne Bertrand. Construction started in 2012, inc. some pieces with recycled carbon fibers thanks to a lab specialized in such techno, I2M :
    Boat :
    I2M / platform of carbon fibers recycling : Plateforme de recyclage de fibres de carbone
    Tracking : Cartographie | Mini-Transat La Boulangère
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