The end of the world is near....... what Yacht will you build?

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Wellydeckhand, Jun 16, 2006.


What u will choose if seawater rise 50M and u need to find other land but............

  1. Monohull Sail Yacht

  2. Monohull Motoryacht

  3. Monohull Motorsailer

  4. Catamaran Sail yacht

  5. Catamaran Motoryacht

  6. Catamaran Motorsailer

  7. Trimaran Sail Yacht

  8. Trimaran Motoryacht

  9. Trimaran Motorsailer

  10. Dont Know?

  11. Stay at land and hang on something

  12. Find a submarine........ hopefully

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  1. Wellydeckhand

    Wellydeckhand Previous Member


    The monohull you visualised might be good if you can make a few rails to hang on. As obviously you have strong biceps that would really help.

    Survival in the fictionous senario of waterworld would present a certain kinda team work in a small crew, as larger crew mean wasye of resources.

    What size of Monohull you think a disable person might need? Maybe you can give comment on how the survival yachts could incoperate other virtue into its design , meaning more compliment to large scope of humans needs. For me, in my yachts will be build according to my measurement and the possible of disable on board.

  2. sharpii2
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    sharpii2 Senior Member

    I would go heavy and be a wee bit under canvassed (S/D of 11 to 14), I have found being under canvassed actually less annoying than being over canvassed. The vessel would have to have a round or 'V' bottom so it won't slap and pound when sailing upright. It would probably resemble a scaled up life boat. Speed, even in good winds, would not be its strong suit.

  3. kach22i
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    kach22i Architect

  4. safewalrus
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    safewalrus Ancient Marriner

    Kach I like it! I want one (no bloody use in the English Channel but I still want one - mind you looking at the weather at the moment maybe I speak to soon!!!!
  5. yipster
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    yipster designer

    here we are having a heatwave for weeks now,
    yes some local thunder and rain was mentioned but you mean it poors?
    ( left the boat open :eek: )
  6. djwkd
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    djwkd Senior Member

    sory,whats a yuloh?
  7. djwkd
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    djwkd Senior Member

    yeah,were still in the middle of our heatwave in the UK.
  8. kach22i
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    kach22i Architect

    The heat wave you speak of may be remembered as the good old days. The UK may be under six meters of ice within 20 years. The heat causes the polar ice caps to melt which causes a change in the Atlantic's Gulf-Stream. The Gulf Stream keeps you guys temperate these days, was not always so.

  9. westlawn5554X
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    westlawn5554X STUDENT

    I know there aint a fast junk laying around, but it would take enough cargo or pick up enough derbis material for stock and comfortable house boat with simple sail maintaince.

  10. hansp77
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    Lovelocks predictions.

    James Lovelock the veteran controversial environmenalist in a recent (2006) book makes some drastic predictions regarding climate change:

    (from an article

    "In Lovelock’s forecast, he envisions, at the end of this century, the last few humans would be forced to rebuild the remnants of our civilization in the Arctic. It won’t be as cold up there by then, as you might think. He told us, “Within 25 years, most of the global ice in the Arctic will be gone. You will be able to take a sailboat to the North Pole.” How long before we begin to feel these changes? “In my own modeling, I rather think it is an unknown number of years,” Lovelock explained. “It may be five years or it may be 30 years.” []"

    Lovelocks claims are pretty far from the mainstream, (he is also a heavy advocate for the use of nuclear power)
    but for this thread and my earlier posts of sailing to Antartica and claiming my island-
    its lookin pretty good...

    You have to imagine this with palm trees and sand...[​IMG]
  11. hansp77
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    Sorta like this.

    It's even got the name already.

    Paradise Bay.
  12. westlawn5554X
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    westlawn5554X STUDENT

    Well, I hope I dont get zap from posting a paranoid thread, so here we goes.

    Imagine, the world population grew to a level that all the resources are distributed through strict govt. control with people decided to bulit high rise that is 50 story high using a new lighter than air material, the building interconnected and cover the whole world. then the top floor of this gigantic plane is a super sensitive solar panel squezzing power for life support system. Bleak eh?

    Another bad option would be human itself view war as the best birth control, a baazar discount sale to clear old ammunition build up ( release arms tention) , destroy building so new excuse for project for building new land.

    If anything happen to the world, then the first and best equipped country to start over again would win the world and be new king of the hill.

    This just some few principle governt. the shaddier of the world.


    P.S. Please advise if I should jack out from this thread.
  13. Figgy
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    Figgy Senior Member

    Uh..there other sites for that, but whatever works for you. :D
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2006
  14. hansp77
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    Thomas Malthus the originator of The Principle of Population (1797) describes just such a thing. While he preferred all forms of moral restraint, which he labled preventative checks, he also identified positve checks to population- war, plague and famine etc...

    See, he thought that people would multiply and multiply geometrically, while food production would only multiply arithmetically. Populations double, food production does not...
    so mass starvation would result.
    Similar thoughts inspire todays neo-malthusians when talking about our planets carrying capacity,
    they argue that population levels have not crashed yet because they are sustained and enlarged by society mining into the earths carrying capacity- that is the earths bank of renuable resources and and systems- forests, oceans, soil, water etc...
    one guy thought things were so bad (Garrett Hardin-1974) that he coined the analogy that we are like survivors of a shipwreck.
    Some of us have made it to a lifeboat.
    The people on the lifeboat (the boat being nearly full) he equates with the first world, the rich, the west, or the north. The people in the water, he equates with the third world, the poor, the east, or the south.
    His argument is, that in these times of desperate survival, in times of limited resources, that the only logical thing to do is to not allow the people in the water into the boat. The argument being that we could never save all the people in the water- and if we let too many on we will sink the boat or run out of our meagre supplies- and thus all die.

    He calls this Life boat ethics and lays it out in an article here

    Obviously, a lot of people got pretty pissed at these opinions...
    Others think that this sort of ethics actually inspires a lot of contemporary action and inaction...

    EDIT- glad I'm not being political here:D
    just boring the pants of you all...:eek:

  15. westlawn5554X
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    westlawn5554X STUDENT

    Good healthy debate is not that bad, just think at least we have reference to a ship and liferaft:)
    At least I know when people are well of they started to make babies. China population problem was due to introduction of russian potato into their major food diet.Imagine that.

    At least I am not a guy the govt want to protect and keep in the liferaft, probarly a guy making another liferaft.

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