The Elementor boat build

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by felipetheartist, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. felipetheartist
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    felipetheartist Junior Member

    Everyone! I have been working on this particular design for about a month now and finally getting things done. I went out and hunted for a hull that was close to my design, and it turned out to be a 1973 19.5ft Aquasport. The only option was to chop the hull in half and stretch it out by 3ft. I have construction photos for you to view. I am open minded for suggestions and opinions here.

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  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    What’s an “elementor”?
    Let’s see your construction photos?
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    More info Felipe !
  4. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    IMO, Stretching an existing hull by three feet doesn’t really qualify as a “design” any more than a pretty picture does.
  5. felipetheartist
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    felipetheartist Junior Member


    The first day When I got it home on cylinder blocks.
  6. felipetheartist
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    felipetheartist Junior Member

    20170821_133529.JPG 20170828_111548.JPG 20170828_111603.JPG 20170828_111631.JPG 20170828_111901.JPG 20170828_111937.JPG 20170828_111951.JPG 20170828_111548.JPG unnamed (1).jpg unnamed (3).jpg

    I began to cut everything out and grind

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  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I get nervous when I see these old boats being gutted, with no support. Really need a cradle to stop it losing the original shape.
  8. felipetheartist
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    felipetheartist Junior Member

    I was nervous myself but I needed the challenge in order to excel my capabilities so I took measurement twice and written them down, but the whole idea was not to keep the Aquasport design but to form it to my specifications.
  9. felipetheartist
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    felipetheartist Junior Member

    You are correct, I should have been more detailed. Well in order for the hull to work with my design I had to cut it and stretch it by 3 ft and modify the strakes as reverse strakes with a wider pad and chines as reverse chines with a wide wedge according to my specifications. As well as changing the deadrise from 15* to a 17*
  10. felipetheartist
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    felipetheartist Junior Member

    Elementor means different elements that have come together to make one result.
  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Can't imagine how you can change the deadrise angle, how do you plan to do that ?
  12. felipetheartist
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    felipetheartist Junior Member

    I was questioning that myself, I visited a customized boat shop about a month before I started and seen they had chopped a boat along the keel. It was mind blowing I knew I could not accomplish this without proper crates to hold the hull pieces.
    But just before I started to cut the hull a hurricane passed and it rained like crazy filling the hull up with water and I seen the deadrise changed by the weight of the water. I drained the water and used sandbags to mimic the weight of the water and drew measurements 2 x to see if it would work and it did. Sometimes nature will answer.......
  13. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Goodness me, nothing like an unorthodox approach to keep things interesting. :eek:
    felipetheartist likes this.
  14. felipetheartist
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    felipetheartist Junior Member

    Thank you !

  15. felipetheartist
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    felipetheartist Junior Member

    Because I am working for underneath a canopy and when it rains I don't have the ability to stay dry I have had the pleasure of taking a break from fairing the sides of the hull. Tomorrow I will attack full force in the AM.
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