Thailand Sailing Multihulls

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Swabber, Feb 19, 2009.

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  1. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    I have no way of knowing what your last posting means. Are you saying that you have read about a few POLISH THINGS? Are you condeming a nation who won their own freedom by something you read in the press? Should I. therefore, assume what I've read in the press about you is true?????????????
    And I have only read one thing in the press about you. Shame on you to make light of others abilities.
  2. :cool: :cool: :cool: really :cool:
  3. propshaft
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    propshaft Junior Member

    Sounds like CNN... Poland has been developed and self-sufficient nation for centuries, not only when it 'won the freedom' by becoming satellite of US :p

    With all respect to Polish, they build good boats. But can not compare with Italian- made :)
  4. rzj7l2
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    rzj7l2 Junior Member

    So you really think because someone happens to live in Poland he can't produce any quality? Wow, that comes from someone who complains that I have spitted on the whole SEA boatbuilding industry... :confused: :confused:
    which by the way I never did. I am sure there are good yards and crap yards, just as almost everywhere.

    I decided on the builder after seeing two other cats he had built, one 4 years old and one 10 years old. In fact I found that builder just because of the boats I inspected. The last survey of the older boat was from the last time the boat was sold 3 years ago. It was positive on the hull construction and most other parts, except electronic installations.

    BTW: The builder is a person who won't laugh on other builders without seeing their work...

  5. I talked about quality? :cool: Good luck, I said!:eek:
  6. rzj7l2
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    rzj7l2 Junior Member

    now it's getting annoying. I will get back into lurker mode and just enjoy my popcorn...
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  7. RHP
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    RHP Senior Member

    Popcorn! Popcorn! Get your Popcorn! Next fight starts shortly!
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  8. dutz
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    dutz Junior Member

    Low Price Catamarans 35,364 views

    Hi RHP,

    You may not be interested in the subject of this thread but many, many others are. New buyers don't have the backgroud in boatbuilding that you have.

    I see that the thread "Low Price Catamarans"

    has gotton the most views of any thread in the "Multihulls" subject area and ITS BEEN CLOSED FOR A MONTH. Obviously someone is interested!!

    Many of these viewers are buyers trying to educate themselves. It takes new buyers to replace and enlarge consumers for the pleasure boat manufacturing sector to expand. Should be obvious. I would have thought you'd be supportive of this thread rather than continuously making disparaging remarks.

  9. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    It is always nice to injeck a little humor to a subject that has heated up to flash point. I believe that was what he was doing. Humor reduces the flash point. My 2 bits.
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  10. Chris Ostlind

    Chris Ostlind Previous Member

    Unfortunately, Dutz, the numbers shown do not indicate how long any of them actually stayed on the site to take in the grandeur. Their interest level may have only been just enough to push the button and that is all. You could liken it to the millions of tire kickers on any given Saurday at auto dealers all across the nation. Lots and lots of Looky-Loos and but a few genuine buyers.

    It's dangerous to make assumptions of this sort when it comes to the web and the engendered, short little span of attention that it fosters.

    This assumes that the pleasure boat industry HAS TO expand. We've been running on this philosophy that bottom line profits and growth are the real lifeblood of industry... and just look where that got us.

    I am not of the opinion that ever more stuff and ever more consumption is the answer.

    How about making the stuff that is out there even better, more efficient, more cost effective for the interested consumer and something that is not just another limited interest component of our throw-away mind set in the West?

    For the record.. I did not think that RHP's remarks were disparaging at all. More, an accurate description of the going's on in the preceeding many pages. Something that does have its amusing qualities, to be sure, but not an innaccurate assessment at all.
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  11. RHP
    Joined: Nov 2005
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    RHP Senior Member

    Thats exactly my point, if you cant have a chuckle then why are we all here for heavens sake?! :D

    Not that it stopped an anonymous soul 'deducting rep points'.... sigh..... :p
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