Terror @ Taj Palace and Oberoi Trident - India

Discussion in 'Post-Tsunami' started by millionswords, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    Thanks for the clarification. Like I said, it can be hard to get the facts from a few thousand miles away; I got my info from a web posting on news forum.

    Thai politics sound like politics anyplace else. We have had a somewhat similar situation in Canada:

    Recently-elected minority government tries to pull a stunt so outrageous it unites the opposition.
    Opposition forms coalition of parties which all stand for mutually exclusive policies.
    Coalition calls for a vote of non-confidence to dump government.
    Prime Minister calls everybody else nasty names.
    All the old, worn-out arguments crawl out of the woodwork.
    The coalition claims "it's democracy working" despite not having run or being voted for as a coalition.
    Coalition ignores fact that proposed new leader of the country is scheduled to be dumped by his own party next May.
    Established government asks Gov-General to prorogue parliament. She does.

    Now I suppose they all go home now and do nothing, in the meantime the economy is looking for a hole to crawl down.

    Sound familiar? At least nobody is shooting and it's not in the courts. Yet. Soon they'll all back down and claim they were misquoted.
  2. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    The pity is, many "westerners" are clueless as to the social & political niceties expected in the Asian countries and not all countries are, or, - expect the same, as they are of different language, social and cultural origins...

    It also seems many politicians are clueless even about the needs of their own countries - similar sorts of dick-heads here, I reckon that politicians should serve for altruism (NO PAY) - that would limit their endurance, and any that stayed could be sued for fraud and embezzlement, Graft and corruption.....
  3. millionswords
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    millionswords HomeMade Kayak?

    Million Swords - is what I intented to...

    hi Masalai,

    The handle is supposed to be Million Swords.


    RDX was found in the Taj, Oberoi and the Nariman House[Jewish Prayer House]. Some 35KGs of RDX is a lot of explosive to be found in hotels which could have wiped off 100 meters or more.

    Well the NSG and the police were prompt to have recovered the bombs that could be set to time from about 8.32minutes to 194 days, from the upbeat hotels and Jewish House. But the police nor the NSG, IB did think about the other likely places where the dumbos could have placed the explosives. Or was it, that they were not really worried about people who travel by train or buses? The Common Man was not that important to the Govmnt?

    They have not even bothered to have checked the CST Railway station where the terror started. They did not sanitize the place, and by chance they found a bag full of explosives, and briskly took it away, One Whole week after the attack. Services resumed in the railway station in 2 days, and millions of commuters use the service daily. [Mumbai Local trains are the most crowded per sq.feet in the world].

    Now after they tripped on this bag of explosive they hurriedly went back to interrogate the captures ultra, to quiz him on what more surprise were in store for them.

    The ultra, Amir Kasam has told them about the bag of RDX they installed while on the trawler from Karachi to Mumbai, and each one of them[10 numbers] carried a bag. So far the police have managed to have found 9 bags, either the ones that went off or the ones diffused. So 1 more to be found, or will it go off? fingers crossed.
  4. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    I assume Million Swords honors the guild of ancient Chinese swordsmiths, or does it have an Indian history also?

    Sounds like the police assumed from the start that the major targets were Western tourists. That was reported by the media here in Canada, despite the fact that only 10% of the victims were rich tourists.
  5. millionswords
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    millionswords HomeMade Kayak?

    in fact, the passion for well made Swords came from a very young age, Indian Sword making has great history. All rulers had a specific way of making swords, and as always with Kings, each Sword has a name, and richness attached to it. Well this is not the proper place to discuss swords, lets not.

    Yeah, only less than 10% tourists were affected, which we may call collateral. But the Gov. would like to call the rest of the 190 odd people dead as collateral damage!

    This will be a discussion in the Indian media for the week, and will dissolve in a while. How is it in Canada? does the media really worry about incidents, and do take responsibility to take it up till the end? or is it the same story?
  6. millionswords
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    millionswords HomeMade Kayak?


    LeT[lakshar e toiba]'s hand is suspected to be behind the Mumbai attacks from the beginning. And US government and the Indian Gov have been asking Pakistan to act against these terror outfits with transparency. But Pak has always been denying that these outfits are based in pak, or any activity have been going on in their country.

    Now, today the Pak gov, have arrested top commandos of the LeT from Lahore, Pakistan. They do not agree, or tag this crackdown on these LeT heads, as a result of the Indian Gov's request or the US pressure.

    Rice's visit to India and Pak, and threats to declare Pak as a terrorist state has really put Pakistan under real pressure, and now immediately they act on the terror outfits.

    Wonder what next? Will they handover the responsible heads to India?
    Will Dawod be handed over if caught? - should wait to see...
  7. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    As tourist visiting India my first reaction was that of shock. I had been told to brace myself for it, but nope it could not possible prepare me for the filth and sqaller in which most Indians live,--Chennai 2008.

    The human feaces and urine in streets where restaraunts were. The people live at the side of the river in Egmore in an incredible state of poverty.

    I was just wondering Millions swords if you thought that allowing people to live like that is some kind of terrorism within itself.

    Wether you put them there, or you allowed them to get there, or you leave them there is all the same thing.
  8. millionswords
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    millionswords HomeMade Kayak?


    Unusual activity' has been reported at the village in Multan, Pakistan from where the lone arrested terrorist of the Mumbai attacks Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasav hails from, a BBC report said. In the report broadcast on its Urdu service, the BBC quoted the people of this village as saying that some security officials had come and taken away Ajmal's family.

    The BBC report also quoted the residents as saying that for the last one week activities of government security officials have increased significantly in their village.

    The Urdu journalist in its report quoted the Imam of Central mosque, Qari Naveed Akram, in Faridkot of Ookara district, 100 kms from Lahore as saying that Aamir (father of the arrested terrorist) had two sons.

    The Imam, however, could not recall the correct name of the second son and said it was Ajmal or Azam and that he was not in touch after his bent of mind had completely transformed towards religious studies, the report said.
  9. millionswords
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    millionswords HomeMade Kayak?


    The river that you mention in Egmore, is supposed to carry the flood waters out of the city. It's supposed to act as the drain, but people occupy such places that the government has least interest in, and no one owns.

    They occupy such places as river beds, and canals, and over a period of time, (immigrants from other parts of city or country) they are entitled to vote by hook and crook methods that politicos use them for, and then once when there is enough pressure from the people and the media, they are said to evacuate the place.

    Helpless people, with the support of local parties, get on the street and strike. So the gov. will be forced to give them plots of land, with the tax-payers money and they settle. Some 20 to 30 years gone, and again another set of people occupy, and claim land.

    Due to these people, others who earn a living and pay taxes to the government, get flooded, with knee deep water inside houses, spoiling years and years of earnings and savings, but the vote-hungry gov. gives relief funds to those people who caused the flood, and chose to jump into the canal and build a hut for free?

    Who to blame? What can the common man do? what have you done around your place? your city? or the place where you live to make it a better place without feaces around?
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2008
  10. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Your reply is predictable and suggests as I new you would that these people are pests.

    These people don't live in their filth they live in the upper classes filth.

    Give them a job,--give them the job of cleaning up Egmore and pay them and give them some land on which to live.

    Ask Mr Ratan to give them a job even though it may not make a profit, pay them for plastic bags collected.

    There is no feaces where I live
  11. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    Regretfully that is the norm for most of this world, Frosty. Indeed, there are places with people who would regard a chance to live in streets with feces and urine, with nobody trying to exterminate them as a positive step. Simply allowing them to remain that way is negligence, not terrorism.

    Terrorism as practiced in Iraq and Afghanistan is intended to keep people in ignorance and submission, if not in actual poverty and squalor. It would be nice to think that, if terrorism were to be eliminated, Mankind would immediately get on with the job of eliminating poverty. The problem with both of those goals is, the harder you try to eliminate these evils the faster they grow.
  12. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    The point I am politely dancing around is that the Indians dont see it. I took a long hard look at this in India (difficult to not do so)and talking to Indians they are just pests. It is all there own doing and they dont see them ,literally stepping over them, sometimes dead.

    The squaller in which they live is not there own. They dont make garbage, they dont have money , its the garbage they live off.

    It would be illegal to keep a dog in these conditions.

    A container of some sorts to put garbage in the street would be a start instead of piles of rotting vegitation thrown out with rats openly feeding from it. Crows pecking the eyes of dead rats that have drowned in the evening rains. ( I saw that)

    While the "upper class" sit in restaraunts with a little finger in the air reading news papers with head lines --India to be the new world power.

    This was in Chennai ,--and Chennai is supposed to be one of the cleanest cities of India. Hypocracy at it utmost.

    The motor car factory of Tata was blatently, illegaly built on top of poor farmers land recently. The factory was to biuld that new 1000 dollar car.

    The farmers eventually got the Government to move the factory off their land,--eventually.
  13. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Come on Frosty you know by now (or you should) that money rules and the "money controllers" control everything.... we the peons survive, some a little better than others, some just pretend to do so (those with their little finger stuck out).....
  14. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Some want the British to come back and take over again, well actually more that just some.

    Don't think it will happen.

  15. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    As an ex-Brit, no thank you very much! It's Thailand's turn!
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