Teleflex steering adjustment

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by valvebounce, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. valvebounce
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    I have just fitted a 1963 Evinrude 18hp to my boat,the steering works fine but the amount of travel left and right is unequal.The steering rod at the engine end has a large nylon nut on it
    which is on the rod,and I think is to adjust the travel.I can't see a locknut on it.
    Can I just wind the nut without holding the shaft to stop it turning?
    The fixing plate that carries the rod is clamped onto the splash back well,and has a nylon
    swivelling ball joint that the rod passes through.
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The adjustment should be done at the engine. With the cable in its middle position, the hole on the engine bracket should bolt when the engine is also in the middle position.
  3. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    Hi Gonzo,
    So what is the big nut and the thread for on the steering rod?
    The throttle and gear cables can be adjusted at the engine,which I have done.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

  5. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    That's it exactly Gonzo,the splashwell mount.
    My original query was,is there a locknut on the shaft,or is the nut in the picture just used to wind the shaft in and out with nothing locking the shaft.
    The connection to the engine would have to be undone of course to allow the shaft to turn when adjusted.
    I suppose once the adjustment has been made and the shaft reconnected to the engine,that in itself locks the adjustment.
    The link you sent has certainly helped put me in the picture many thanks.

  6. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I think you got the idea.
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