Ted Warren new Ultralight 20 trimaran

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Ted Warren has been busy and has put up a new 20' design that will debue at the Annapolis Boat Show. There are some pictures of the new boat at Ted's website. Sorry to say Doug no lifting foils visible at this stage maybe they will be on the "R" version. It works out to about 80kg if my conversion is correct that would that be about the lightest commercial 2 person 20' sailing trimaran I've heard of. Just to put that in perspective 80kg is 5kg more than the A class minimum class weight (75kg) impressive.

  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Another good looking small tri without....Oh, nevermind.
  3. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    Get one and put them things on.
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Now that the Kiwis have flown an Americas Cup boat for the first time in the history of mankind ,I imagine interest in "them things" will grow and it won't just be me and Gary howling in the woods....
  5. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    What do you think Marc could one of these do the trick for some fast and fun lightweight trimaran sailing? I wonder how much they will cost? If it's like most of the light craft stuff the price will be pretty challenging but theres not much boat or surface area to build there either. Anybody going to the Annapolis Boat show with a camera?
  6. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    I made the assumption that this would not be offered as plans for homebuilders. And that it would follow the trend of all carbon boats that naturally set a new higher level of price expectation. It doesn't help that inflation is driving everything beyond "reasonable" expectations.

    For myself, looking at retirement just puts such boats another step out of reach.

    Funny thing, at work (Aerospace) I have been trying to point out that one of the things that threatens continued purchase of our aircraft is the excess cost due to Graphite composites and Titanium parts (not the only cause). When it is Governments who are balking at the price it might indicate a real issue.

    I would love to have one of the modern/ pricey boats. They should be a real step up in performance (with or without "them things").

    It is interesting to see Warren's boats with mains that are practically square. Seems to push the square top much more than others. Has anyone sailed one of these boats who could comment on performance of the sails?
  7. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    upchurch, good thing is, as carbon becomes more and more mainstream, the price of carbon is coming down and its actually becoming more affordable for everyone... I was pleasantly surprised at how cheap carbon has became last i check on prices... you just need to get to root source of the supply chain and skip the myriad of middle men that seem to exist in the composites industry...
  8. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    Aerospace composites are still going up. It has long been a promise that when we use more the price comes down. I don't think it actually has happened.

    What's your suggestion for skipping the middle men? Any specific source?

    Actually titanium has just shown a price drop. Last year we bought 6-4 for $33/lb. Just recently we got a price of $19/lb.
  9. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    no specific source mate as im in australia anyways, ive just been talking to people and meeting people in the industry, and constantly looking for a way to get closer to the manufacturers rather than going through the daylight robbery resellers.

    Ask some of the big users if you can buy from them... these big users usually are pretty close to the manufacturer because they use so much. Even tho they are not in the business of selling composites, sometimes they will either introduce you to their supplier or sell you some of their stock for their buying price plus a small fee/commission etc...
  10. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  11. TedWarren
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    TedWarren Junior Member

    Glad to answer any questions

    We are getting ready for the Annapolis show with the UL20 and we just launched Motive25 hull#1. We are the builders for the Motive 25. I can answer any questions that you might have in regards to the UL20, but not the M25 unless it's about construction. I'll even promise the community no hype, just data. :)

    Preliminary price on the UL20 is $14,985, but we have an introductory price of $13,985 up until the end of the Annapolis Show.

  12. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Thanks for the offer.
    Could you just start with the basic physical specs? Length, width, weight, sail area, draft, etc. And how is it trailered?

    I assume no pics until the Show.

  13. TedWarren
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    TedWarren Junior Member

    We will have this data, and some pictures up on our website late today. Here are the basics:

    LOA 20'+
    BOA 15'+
    Mast 25', 29' Race version
    Main 165, 192 Race
    Jib 48, 56 Race
    Total WSA 213, 248 Race
    Optional Screecher 156, 172 Race
    Weight 220 lbs, 175 lbs Race

    These are the prototype numbers, production data may be slightly different.

    We have been cartopping the tri. The heaviest component is the main hull
    at about 40 lbs. We will have a trailer available for the UL20. The boat assembles
    with four pins to the main hull and four saddle clamps to the amas.

  14. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    Thanks for the info.
    At those weights that should be a really fun boat.

    What in the world are you doing to get the race version down 45#?


  15. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Ted, What sort of package size does the UL20 pack down to? Is the mast two piece for car topping? What sort of payload does the prototype boat have? Would the boat and mast in it's demounted state fit inside a 20' container? By the way I think your pricing sounds very fair as a Weta costs over $12,000 last time I checked, thanks for dropping by and answering some questions.
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