Team Australia (KAS) and Team Vodafone to do battle to decide who is fastest

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  2. auscat
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    auscat Junior Member

    Typical fluff piece from Mumbles to promote Hammo.
    The real racing will be at Airlie Beach the week before with about 20 multis expected.Will be a great competition between the fastest boats in the country.
  3. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Agreed, Airlie Beach Race Week will be great to watch (still working on my boats but look forward to coming along when done to race) and thanks for your hard work on getting the event up. I'm always happy no matter the context when racing multi's go more mainstream.
  4. auscat
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    auscat Junior Member

    The trouble with Hammo is that it is only open to boats over 15m with an OMR higher than 1.Nothing else in the country comes close.
  5. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

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  6. catsketcher
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    catsketcher Senior Member

    Gday Corley

    I think it would be one of the curved ama foils with their little vertical piece on the bottom. I am pretty sure Sean could make the main board but the tolerances for the ama boards would be very fine. In fact thinking about it all of the foils had very close fitting plastic bushes. The curved foils also have a swept in aft section and seem to be assymetric as well. Looking at them I had to wonder how you even lined the case up. They didn't have an easy to determine cenreline at front or back of chord. I would have bugger all chance of making the curved foil without a really good mould even if my life depended on it.

    Doug was right after all - you need lifting foils. They did seem to work well downwind.


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  7. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Sail World article that gives some mention to the ORMA's racing in the multi division. Looks like the racing is pretty close with the boats frequently finishing just boatlengths apart. Noticed over at SA that they are racing under OMR as well so the boats weight and crew weights are taken into account so a close line honours win to Team Australia is normally a handicap win to Team Vodafone as they are heavier with similar sail area.

    Results posted on Hamilton Island Race Week topyacht software. Link from "Green Boat" on SA. Theres a lay day and more races yet to come.
  8. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Thanks to Auscat who sat through this rather turgid glam video to let us know that TA and TV are featured around the 5:50 mark.

  9. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    I didn't see any mention of lifting foils? Just this which doesn't seem to make sense: ".... trying to make the daggerboards line up so they could retract the centreboard".
  11. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    It's a bit unrelated but a broken lifting foil prevented them from making the Airlie Beach Race Week they managed to get to Hammo though. From what I've read Vodafone won the series of races on handicap but they won two each on line honours.
  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Both boats use curved foils ,right?
  13. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Hi Doug, both boats use curved foils but the handicap under OMR is worked out on weight of boat plus crew, sail area etc.

    The numbers (in kg's) are from one of Auscat's posts on Sailing Anarchy.

    Weight would be the main differance.
    TA 6062hull +755 crew =6817

    TVS 6850hull +1063 crew =7913

    According to their ratings one has a bigger main the other has a bigger jib both have about the same size screecher so its all about the weight.

  14. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Video posted by Team Vodafone sailing from Hammo. The video is sped up to about 3:11 but after that there are some good shots of the boats racing.

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