Suggestion for sailing dinghy

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by balood, May 20, 2013.

  1. balood
    Joined: May 2013
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    balood New Member


    I am new at boat building and am looking for my first project. There are so many designs out there that I am not sure what to build. I am going to build it for a friend and she wants something the size of a Laser Sailing Dinghy. I would like it to fulfil the same functions as well.

    I looking for something of a simple plywood construction. Stitch and Tie method if possible.

    Does anyone know where I can get free plans. I willing to pay for plans if they come with full sized patterns. I have looked at Glen-L and Devlin Boats but don't know which one to choose.

    Thanks for any advice
  2. latestarter
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    latestarter Senior Member

    Welcome balood.

    You really need to set out in more detail the requirements of your friend to give us a chance to give relevant advice.
    Will she be single handed or with others, car-topping or trailer, racing or cruising, sea or inland etc. What experience does she have in handling boats?

    Full size patterns can be a problem unless on a special plastic as on paper it will vary with the weather.

    At present I am building a canoe to plans by Selway Fisher who has a range of dinghy designs and all types of boats.

    Good luck.
  3. michael pierzga
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  4. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Chesapeake Light Craft has both sailboat plans and full kits. You might be better off building a kit since this is your first project. Plans also has plans. I built one of their rowboats. The plans were very complete and they have a forum if you need help

    There are other plans available.
  5. WhiteDwarf
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    WhiteDwarf White Dwarf

    Start small and work up


    If you fail to complete a project, chances are you will never get to do another, so start with a small one. Spem Successus Alit (Success Nourishes Hope)

    I knocked out a Firebug in a few weeks, it was only an eight footer which avoids the tiresome business of scarfing plywood; but proved a lot of fun to sail. You can get plans and patterns for $90 (Last time I looked.)

    Now I can point at it and say "my next build will be..."

    Good luck.
  6. WhiteDwarf
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    WhiteDwarf White Dwarf

  7. micah719
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  8. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Take a look at the Bolger Gypsy design. It is an able boat that will sail well and row decently. Simple to build, there are a lot of them out there. You can Google to find several sites that feature Gypsys. Plan set for stitch and glue method and all the details is modestly priced.
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