Structures Super Session at IBEX

Discussion in 'Education' started by CDBarry, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    SNAME will be running a day long Super Session at IBEX (In Tampa FL again this year) on Monday, Sept. 18 concentrating on small craft structural design, emphasizing use of modern scantling codes such as ISO 12215:

    IBEX 2017: Session: Modern Scantlings: Calculations, Standards, Details, Materials

    Material will be available to registrants on a minisite at and will include various historic reference papers from the SNAME library as well as the specific materials for the session. Non-member pricing includes a full year trial SNAME membership. Lunch will be provided.

    CEUs will be available.
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  3. DCockey
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    Cancellation of the structures Super Session announced this morning.
  4. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    Unfortunately the person running the course was from Florida and both his office and home were in Irma's path and he couldn't come to IBEX.

    We are planning to use the materials for a substantial structural paper at CPBS in June. Is there any interest in a structure course at CPBS or MACC?

    (I am small craft T&R committee chair for SNAME so if anyone has some ideas about what SNAME can do for the small craft community, please let me know.)
  5. DCockey
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    Chris, thanks for the update about the reason for the cancellation.

    I am very interested in a structure course associated with CPBS (Chesapeake Powerboat Symposium) in Annapolis in June. I would only be interested in a structure course associated with MACC (Multi-Agency Craft Conference) if registration for MACC was not required. I don't think I qualify to register for MACC since I'm neither associated with any government agencies nor a supplier. I'd be extremely disappointed if the replacement for the IBEX structure course was restricted to MACC participants.
  6. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    I have previously in the past been asked if I could/would present at IBEX on structures/aluminium etc. But timing/funds/deadline of projects etc have not been ideal.
    I may, only may, be in that part of the world next, I could if required contribute. But at this moment in time, cannot guarantee it.
  7. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    As regards MACC, anyone (maybe over 18) can attend. U.S. citizens/residents need either a drivers license or non-driver ID from a "Real ID" state or an alternative ID. Non U.S. persons need to fill out the form that will be made available at the website ahead of time. Note that this is only because MACC is held on a working military base and ID is required to get onboard.

    SNAME is working in general on more small craft outreach and in particular on things like IBEX and other training opportunities, including conferences and on line.

    We are also developing more small craft targeted T&R Bulletins (the most recent being the one on air inclining experiments) and other materials, such as the small craft papers CDs/DVDs.

    Please let me know:

    1) What do you need or want to see for both short (1 hour) and full day seminars?

    2) If someone wants to present at IBEX, please let me know, we are trying to coordinate a proposal and to develop a network to help share material and help with getting presentations, etc., together.

    We are also doing some outreach to the general public; so far "Science of Boating" presentations at a library and a maritime museum, but ideas and/or volunteers and people who want this sort of thing at their venues are welcome to contact me.

    We have also been asked about something for little kids involving science and fun hands on experiments with water. If anyone has some ideas, please share.


  8. CDBarry
    Joined: Nov 2002
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    There will be a structures Super Session at IBEX on October 1 (Monday before the convention opens) covering core concepts, practical issues and emphasizing use of ISO 12215. Instructor will tentatively be Dr. Paul Miller, PhD, from the Coast Guard Academy and John Canada, from Ocean5 naval architects.
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